7 01, 2023

The year without a summer? In 2022 Sydney didn’t even reach 32 degrees

By |2023-01-09T12:47:07+01:007 January 2023|Australia, News|Comments Off on The year without a summer? In 2022 Sydney didn’t even reach 32 degrees

By Jo Nova reposted from her Blog Sydney Observatory in the centre of the city in 1864. (Courtesy of the State Library of NSW.) For the first time in 163 years of records at Sydney Observatory the temperature didn’t even crack 32 degrees C (or 90F) for the whole year of 2022. [...]

23 08, 2022

Bureau of Meteorology unclear on record rainfall in NSW

By |2022-08-23T10:44:17+02:0023 August 2022|Australia, News|Comments Off on Bureau of Meteorology unclear on record rainfall in NSW

The NSW Premier handed down the 2022 Flood Inquiry report last week and at the same time many of the 1,498 written submissions were made public. The submissions make for harrowing reading, especially the first-hand accounts from the Lismore community. There are very personal stories explaining how there had been limited flash-flooding up to [...]

7 02, 2022

Record-high coral cover of the Great Barrier Reef, despite doomsday scenarios of mass deaths

By |2022-02-07T08:34:50+01:007 February 2022|Australia, News|Comments Off on Record-high coral cover of the Great Barrier Reef, despite doomsday scenarios of mass deaths

Great Barrier Reef Guest post by Hans Wolkers The Dutch public broadcasting company NOS recently reported on the Australian government's plans to provide additional protection for the Great Barrier Reef by improving water quality, reducing erosion and combating illegal fishing. However, critics find these measures pointless, as climate change, which they believe is [...]

13 01, 2022

“Green Murder” – a new book by Professor Ian Plimer

By |2022-01-13T18:55:38+01:0013 January 2022|Australia, Book review, News|Comments Off on “Green Murder” – a new book by Professor Ian Plimer

by Ian Plimer An Interview with Professor Ian Plimer on his latest book “Green Murder”: It has never been shown that human emissions of the gas of life drive global warming. Large bodies of science that don’t fit the narrative have been ignored by IPCC, COP and self-interested scientists paid by [...]

13 10, 2021

Peter Ridd Case: Academic Freedom Just Died in Australia

By |2021-10-13T10:16:48+02:0013 October 2021|Australia, News|Comments Off on Peter Ridd Case: Academic Freedom Just Died in Australia

Guest essay by Eric Worrall on Watts Up With That? James Cook University professor Peter Ridd. Picture: Cameron Laird Australia’s High Court has ruled that University administrators have the right to fire academics for breach of employment code of conduct, which has precedence over academic freedom. It is with a heavy heart that I [...]

27 07, 2021

Fact check : What the floods really have to do with “climate”

By |2021-07-27T16:18:35+02:0027 July 2021|Australia, Canada English, News, United Kingdom, USA|Comments Off on Fact check : What the floods really have to do with “climate”

By Sebastian Lüning In medieval times, the priest would have declared that it would have been a punishment from God for the wicked behavior of sinners. Today's explanation is unfortunately not far from that. In mid-July 2021, prolonged heavy rain caused severe flooding in western Germany. There were many dead and missing, [...]

20 07, 2021

A world protected by windmills? In 1717 Christmas Floods in Germany killed 14,000

By |2021-07-20T12:38:47+02:0020 July 2021|Australia, News|Comments Off on A world protected by windmills? In 1717 Christmas Floods in Germany killed 14,000

By Joanne Nova reposted with her permission – original here – With great sympathy for all our European friends. It’s like European history doesn’t exist. In 1717 on Christmas Eve a flood started that killed 14,000 people and spread across the Netherlands, Denmark and Germany. It was followed by savage frosts, and more floods in [...]

10 06, 2021

Good news for Australia’s Barrier Reef you’ll likely not hear about in the media

By |2021-06-16T21:05:54+02:0010 June 2021|Australia, News|Comments Off on Good news for Australia’s Barrier Reef you’ll likely not hear about in the media

Dr. Peter Ridd writes on his Facebook page: In 2016, there was a major bleaching event in the northern section of the Reef. There were doom headlines around the world and Prof Hughes, who led the monitoring of the coral, famously tweeted“I showed the results of the aerial surveys of bleaching on the GBR to [...]

12 02, 2021

High Court To Decide On Peter Ridd Free Speech Case

By |2021-02-12T11:31:46+01:0012 February 2021|Australia, News|Comments Off on High Court To Decide On Peter Ridd Free Speech Case

The Institute of Public Affairs has today welcomed the historic judgement of the High Court in the case of James Cook University (JCU) v Peter Ridd, which has given Dr Peter Ridd special leave to bring on his final appeal. “This will be the most significant test case for academic freedom in a [...]

27 11, 2020

Interview Lindsay Hackett

By |2021-07-12T12:27:48+02:0027 November 2020|Australia, Interviews|Comments Off on Interview Lindsay Hackett

Name: Lindsay Hackett Residence: Macleay Island Qld Country: Australia What is your background? I am a scientist with a B.Sc (Melb) as well as being an engineer CEng(UK) with 21 years as an engineering officer in the RAAF. Engineering Officer, 5 years as small business owner and operator (boat building, repair, ships [...]