16 08, 2022

The Sun-Climate Effect: The Winter Gatekeeper Hypothesis (III). Meridional transport

By |2022-08-23T11:18:16+02:0016 August 2022|News, USA|Comments Off on The Sun-Climate Effect: The Winter Gatekeeper Hypothesis (III). Meridional transport

By Javier Vinós & Andy May Reposted from Climate Etc. “The atmospheric heat transport on Earth from the Equator to the poles is largely carried out by the mid-latitude storms. However, there is no satisfactory theory to describe this fundamental feature of the Earth’s climate.” Leon Barry, George C. Craig & John Thuburn (2002) [...]

15 08, 2022

Evidence for More Frequent and Longer Heat Waves Is Questionable

By |2022-08-15T11:46:45+02:0015 August 2022|News, USA|Comments Off on Evidence for More Frequent and Longer Heat Waves Is Questionable

Heat wave in Paris in 2019. Originally published at the blog Science Under Attack. In a warming world, it would hardly be surprising if heat waves were becoming more common. By definition, heat waves are periods of abnormally hot weather, last­ing from days to weeks. But is this widely held belief actually [...]

8 08, 2022

The Sun-Climate Effect: The Winter Gatekeeper Hypothesis (II). Solar activity unexplained/ignored effects on climate

By |2022-08-17T15:24:32+02:008 August 2022|News, USA|Comments Off on The Sun-Climate Effect: The Winter Gatekeeper Hypothesis (II). Solar activity unexplained/ignored effects on climate

By Javier Vinós & Andy May Reposted from Climate Etc. “The complicated pattern of sun-weather relationships undoubtedly needs much further clarification, but progress in this field will be hindered if the view prevails that such relationships should not be taken seriously simply because the mechanisms involved in explaining them are not yet identified.” Joe W. [...]

2 08, 2022

We’ll turn of your electricity when we feel like it

By |2022-08-02T12:00:40+02:002 August 2022|News, USA|Comments Off on We’ll turn of your electricity when we feel like it

By Francis Menton Reposted from Manhattan Contrarian If my posting has been a little light for the last month or so, it’s because I’ve been working on a big Report for the Global Warming Policy Foundation on the subject of energy storage as a means to back up electricity generation from wind [...]

1 08, 2022

The Sun-Climate Effect: The Winter Gatekeeper Hypothesis (I). The search for a solar signal

By |2022-08-17T15:23:03+02:001 August 2022|News, USA|Comments Off on The Sun-Climate Effect: The Winter Gatekeeper Hypothesis (I). The search for a solar signal

by Javier Vinós and Andy May Reposted from Climate Etc. “Probably no subfield of meteorology has had as much effort devoted to it as the effects of solar variability on weather and climate. And none has had as little to show for the research labor.” Helmut E. Landsberg (1982) 1.1 Introduction The sun [...]

30 07, 2022

Koonin-Dessler Debate

By |2022-07-30T17:34:33+02:0030 July 2022|News, USA|Comments Off on Koonin-Dessler Debate

By Andy May Andrew Dessler and Steven Koonin will debate the resolution “Climate science compels us to make large and rapid reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.” Dessler will take the affirmative, and Koonin will take the negative. Dessler is a Professor of Atmospheric Science at Texas A&M University and Koonin is a Professor [...]

30 07, 2022

Friends of Science: Guterres is energy illiterate

By |2022-07-30T16:22:23+02:0030 July 2022|Canada English, News|Comments Off on Friends of Science: Guterres is energy illiterate

UN Sec-Gen Guterres’ address to Petersburg Climate Dialogue illustrated the energy illiteracy of climate ideologues, says Friends of Science, saying he should step down for misleading the world. Likewise, climate ideologues, using skewed assessments of livestock and fertilizer emissions, are tinkering with food and farming systems that work well; global famine looms - this [...]

27 07, 2022

Krov Menuhin: “You give nature one centimeter and she will return ten kilometers”

By |2022-07-27T12:52:04+02:0027 July 2022|Interviews, News, United Kingdom|Comments Off on Krov Menuhin: “You give nature one centimeter and she will return ten kilometers”

Menuhin just out of the sea Krov Menuhin (Australia, born 1940) has travelled the world filming oceans. In 1980 he made the first underwater film about whales for the BBC. He visited the most exotic islands in the world, places that are now supposed to disappear as a result of global warming. [...]

27 07, 2022

KNMI still covers up old heat waves

By |2022-07-27T12:32:03+02:0027 July 2022|News, The Netherlands|Comments Off on KNMI still covers up old heat waves

Last week The Netherlands experienced one hot day (39°C in some places) and unsurprisingly it was connected to climate change. The Dutch Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) even claimed on national television that the hottest days are now four degrees Celsius warmer than a century ago. But is this true? Rob de Vos, [...]

26 07, 2022

Temperature extremes: it’s cold South of the Equator

By |2022-07-26T13:27:25+02:0026 July 2022|News, USA|Comments Off on Temperature extremes: it’s cold South of the Equator

"If it [a scientific hypothesis] disagrees with experiment, it’s WRONG." – Nobel Prize winner Richard Feynman While sizzling temperatures in Europe have captured the attention of the mainstream media, recent prolonged bouts of cold in the Southern Hemisphere have gone almost unnoticed. Can these simultaneous weather extremes be ascribed to climate [...]