31 08, 2022

Global cloud cover decreases; no link with CO2

By |2022-08-31T12:06:13+02:0031 August 2022|Germany, News|Comments Off on Global cloud cover decreases; no link with CO2

By Dr. Lars Schernikau, energy economist, entrepreneur, commodity trader - Reposted from Watts Up With That Introduction Water is the third most important molecule in our atmosphere making up about 1% of its composition (Figure 1). Nitrogen (77%) and Oxygen (21%) are the most important components. Water vapor is also the [...]

31 08, 2022

Snow and Climate: no easy answers

By |2022-08-31T12:01:50+02:0031 August 2022|News, USA|Comments Off on Snow and Climate: no easy answers

By Jim Steele reposted from What's up with that “As scientists who study what controls snowfall admit, “There are “no easy answers” to the question of climate change and snow” Nonetheless click bait media doesnt hesitate to fear monger that we are on the verge of the “end of snow” [...]

29 08, 2022

New milestone: 1200 signatories of the World Climate Declaration

By |2022-08-31T16:34:06+02:0029 August 2022|News, World Climate Declaration|Comments Off on New milestone: 1200 signatories of the World Climate Declaration

Again we reached a milestone, 1200 signees of the World Climate Declaration in August. We normally welcome these new signees in our newsletter (subscribe here!) but now we have so many we do it here in a separate post. We will also start doing new interviews again with signees. If you want to [...]

29 08, 2022

The Sun-Climate Effect: The Winter Gatekeeper Hypothesis (V). A role for the sun in climate change

By |2022-08-31T15:49:59+02:0029 August 2022|News, USA|Comments Off on The Sun-Climate Effect: The Winter Gatekeeper Hypothesis (V). A role for the sun in climate change

by Javier Vinós & Andy May Reposted from Climate Etc. “Once you start doubting, just like you’re supposed to doubt. You ask me if the science is true and we say ‘No, no, we don’t know what’s true, we’re trying to find out, everything is possibly wrong’ … When you doubt and ask it [...]

29 08, 2022

No Evidence That Climate Change Is Making Droughts Any Worse

By |2022-08-29T15:05:27+02:0029 August 2022|News, USA|Comments Off on No Evidence That Climate Change Is Making Droughts Any Worse

"If it [a scientific hypothesis] disagrees with experiment, it’s WRONG." – Nobel Prize winner Richard Feynman The hullabaloo in the mainstream media about the current drought in Europe, which has been exacerbated by the continent’s fourth heat wave this summer, has only amplified the voices of those who insist that climate [...]

29 08, 2022

Interview with Lord Monckton in Italian newspaper

By |2022-08-29T14:54:26+02:0029 August 2022|News, United Kingdom|Comments Off on Interview with Lord Monckton in Italian newspaper

Featured in La Verità (August 23rd), by Franco Battaglia Lord Monckton, what was your role in Mrs Thatcher’s government? As one of the six advisers to the Prime Minister in her Policy Unit at 10 Downing Street, I advised her inter alia on climate change, saying the situation should be carefully [...]

28 08, 2022

‘There is No Climate Emergency’ (1,107 Signatories and Counting)

By |2022-08-29T12:42:39+02:0028 August 2022|News, USA|Comments Off on ‘There is No Climate Emergency’ (1,107 Signatories and Counting)

By Robert Bradley Jr. - reposted from What's up with that “… there is ample evidence that CO2 mitigation measures are as damaging as they are costly. Climate policy must respect scientific and economic realities. There is no climate emergency.” There are a lot of very smart people in the world. And [...]

25 08, 2022

Declaration Saying “There is No Climate Emergency” Trends on Twitter – Greenies Have Meltdown

By |2022-09-03T13:11:13+02:0025 August 2022|News, United Kingdom|Comments Off on Declaration Saying “There is No Climate Emergency” Trends on Twitter – Greenies Have Meltdown

BY CHRIS MORRISON - Reposted from the Daily Sceptic Professor Dr. Knut Loschke studied crystallography, chemistry, physics, mathematics and computer science. In the course of a long career he founded an IT company, and is an honorary professor at the University of Technology, Economics and Culture in Leipzig. As part of his [...]

24 08, 2022

Highlights of the Koonin-Dessler debate

By |2022-09-01T13:37:49+02:0024 August 2022|News, USA|Comments Off on Highlights of the Koonin-Dessler debate

By Andy May - reposted from his blog The SOHO Forum Debate began at 5:30PM (Central Time) on August 15, 2022 in the New York Sheen Center, as I announced here. Koonin won the Oxford Style debate since 25% of the in-person and online audience shifted to his view that the debate question: “Climate science compels us to [...]

23 08, 2022

Interview with Steven Koonin in Italian newspaper

By |2022-08-23T15:48:05+02:0023 August 2022|News|Comments Off on Interview with Steven Koonin in Italian newspaper

Featured in La Verita (August 9th), by Franco Battaglia Steven Koonin is what most people would call an enfant prodige: he graduated from high school at the age of 16, and at the age of 24, as an Assistant Professor in theoretical physics, he became one of the youngest-ever faculty members at [...]