2 07, 2022

The many health hazards of wind turbines

By |2022-07-04T10:03:44+02:002 July 2022|News, The Netherlands|Comments Off on The many health hazards of wind turbines

This is, among other things, our beautiful Netherlands This is undesirable By Ap Cloosterman Most Dutch people prefer not to see windmills in their immediate living environment. In the past few years, many organizations have emerged against the installation of wind turbines on land. Nederwind Network is one of [...]

26 04, 2022

CLINTEL welcomes our thousandth signatory

By |2022-04-26T12:39:45+02:0026 April 2022|CLINTEL, News, The Netherlands, World Climate Declaration|Comments Off on CLINTEL welcomes our thousandth signatory

Three years after the founding of the Climate Intelligence Foundation we welcome the one thousandth signatory of the World Climate Declaration. A global network of 1000 scientists, engineers, and other experts agree there is no climate emergency. They do not agree on all aspects of the climate debate, but Clintel welcomes and encourages [...]

22 03, 2022

Experienced Engineers must take the lead in the Energy Transition

By |2022-03-22T15:35:22+01:0022 March 2022|News, The Netherlands|Comments Off on Experienced Engineers must take the lead in the Energy Transition

Green politicians made a big mess of the energy transition and climate scientists encouraged them with their computer models. Putin and Xi Jinping must have watched the self-destruction of the Western World with utter amazement and gratitude. Experienced engineers must pick up the pieces soonest. Guus Berkhout  For decades we have been [...]

26 01, 2022

How climate activists are taking over Dutch industry

By |2022-01-26T12:07:57+01:0026 January 2022|Climate policy, News, The Netherlands|Comments Off on How climate activists are taking over Dutch industry

One Environmental Group Wants to Set Climate Policies for All of Dutch Industry “Friends of the Earth” now means “Foes of The Netherlands.” By Lucas Bergkamp A new initiative by environmental organization Friends of the Earth (“FoE,” called “Milieudefensie” in The Netherlands) threatens to plunge the Dutch economy into a green abyss. Last [...]

15 01, 2022

William Happer: “In climate policy they use the reversed Robin Hood strategy”

By |2022-01-15T17:21:02+01:0015 January 2022|CLINTEL, Interviews, News, The Netherlands, USA, Videos|Comments Off on William Happer: “In climate policy they use the reversed Robin Hood strategy”

The eminent American physicist William Happer was invited by CLINTEL to visit The Netherlands after he spoke at the excellent EIKE conference in Germany in November. He gave a very interesting one hour talk in Amsterdam. The following day he was interviewed by Marcel Crok of CLINTEL for an online platform called [...]

3 01, 2022

Guus Berkhout: “Frans Timmermans has done just about everything in his career to abuse science”

By |2022-01-03T17:16:11+01:003 January 2022|News, The Netherlands|Comments Off on Guus Berkhout: “Frans Timmermans has done just about everything in his career to abuse science”

An online petition against the honorary doctorate for Frans Timmermans at the TU Delft is rapidly gaining signees. After a national newspaper and the national public broadcaster NOS paid attention to the petition the number of signees almost doubled in one day, from 8000 to now more than 15,000. The university weekly newspaper [...]

7 12, 2021

Press Release: KNMI scrapped too many tropical days in De Bilt

By |2021-12-07T22:05:22+01:007 December 2021|CLINTEL, News, The Netherlands|Comments Off on Press Release: KNMI scrapped too many tropical days in De Bilt

Dear readers of the CLINTEL newsletter, friends, donators, Since 2018 we (Marcel Crok and three colleagues) are investigating the homogenization of daily temperatures by KNMI. This homogenization - introduced in 2016 - had the result of removing a lot of tropical days (days with T > 30 degrees Celsius) and heatwaves in the period [...]

2 12, 2021

ICSF sends climate letter to Irish government: the need for pragmatism

By |2021-12-02T13:51:12+01:002 December 2021|News, The Netherlands|Comments Off on ICSF sends climate letter to Irish government: the need for pragmatism

On November 29th, our colleagues at the Irish Climate Science Forum (ICSF) sent a letter to the Irish government leaders in reponse to the Irish Climate Action Plan: “ICSF sees that the Government is set to embark on a Climate Action Plan which, though well intentioned, is unfortunately misinformed on many scientific, engineering [...]

26 11, 2021

’Help, what is happening with our universities’

By |2021-11-26T13:49:18+01:0026 November 2021|CLINTEL, News, The Netherlands|Comments Off on ’Help, what is happening with our universities’

By PROF. DR. IR. GUUS BERKHOUT This is the translated letter that Guus Berkhout of CLINTEL, published in De Telegraaf earlier this week. In recent years we have seen the strangest things happening to our universities. Professors must be extremely careful about what they teach. If they present scientific results that do not fit [...]

12 11, 2021

A message to the climate scientists present at COP26

By |2021-11-24T16:28:19+01:0012 November 2021|CLINTEL, Letter, News, The Netherlands|Comments Off on A message to the climate scientists present at COP26

November 11, 2021 This is part 3 of a trilogy. The full document can be downloaded as a pdf here. A message to the climate scientists present at COP26 Dear colleagues, Scientific organizations serve society by fostering, creating and passing on new scientific knowledge through research and teaching. Today, quality universities have become a [...]