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16 03, 2021

States sue to block “social cost” of carbon

By |2021-03-23T13:02:23+01:0016 March 2021|News, USA|Comments Off on States sue to block “social cost” of carbon

Twelve states have asked a Federal Court to keep federal agencies from using the so-called Social Cost of Greenhouse Gases to calculate the benefits of emission reduction regulations. The new cost estimates, ordered by President Biden on day one, claim enormous distant future damages from today’s emissions of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous [...]

7 03, 2021

The Left declares war on gas

By |2021-03-07T17:57:54+01:007 March 2021|News, USA|Comments Off on The Left declares war on gas

The so-called CLEAN Future Act just introduced by the Democrat leaders of the house energy Committee calls for the elimination of gas-fired electric power generation, some immediately, some by 2023 and all by 2035. That is just 14 years from now. Coal-fired power will also be gone, the war on coal finally over [...]

1 03, 2021

We may never learn the truth about the Texas blackout

By |2021-03-07T17:53:43+01:001 March 2021|News, USA|Comments Off on We may never learn the truth about the Texas blackout

The reasons for the grid collapse are now a matter of intense debate. In the absence of detailed data the debate is mostly over general statistics, which do not establish causality. For example: Frozen wind turbines caused it. A gas shortage caused it. The gas shortage was caused by electrification of the pipelines. [...]

25 02, 2021

UN calls for contraction and convergence to low living standards

By |2021-03-07T17:48:56+01:0025 February 2021|News, USA|Comments Off on UN calls for contraction and convergence to low living standards

The UN just published its first ever environmental synthesis report, with the expectedly scary title “Making Peace With Nature: A scientific blueprint to tackle the climate, biodiversity and pollution emergencies.” That’s right, now there are (hyperbolically) three emergencies, not just the climate one. In fact according to the UN we now have a “Planetary [...]

21 02, 2021

Cold Snaps Expose Climate Science Fragility

By |2021-02-21T10:39:58+01:0021 February 2021|News, USA|Comments Off on Cold Snaps Expose Climate Science Fragility

Guest article by Jim Steele Cold snaps can be deadly. A 2014 National Health Statistics report found, “During 2006–2010, about 2,000 U.S. residents died each year from weather-related deaths; 63% were attributed to exposure to natural cold. The recent cold snap in Texas and Germany highlighted our energy system’s vulnerabilities. During times of our greatest need, inadequate natural gas [...]

20 02, 2021

The Texas Energy Disaster

By |2021-02-23T15:13:00+01:0020 February 2021|News, USA|Comments Off on The Texas Energy Disaster

I live in Texas and write about climate science and energy, so I get a lot of questions about the recent problems. My wife and I are OK, we have a natural gas powered generator and did not lose power like most people did earlier this week. We also had a broken pipe, but [...]

17 02, 2021

American K-12 science education gone bad

By |2021-03-07T17:40:58+01:0017 February 2021|News, USA|Comments Off on American K-12 science education gone bad

I don’t often write an article about someone else’s article but Shepard Barbash’s deeply researched piece “Science betrayed” deserves a wide readership. His subtitle says it all: “The propaganda infecting K–12 science curricula, especially on the environment, won’t go away.” Barbash first looks at the history, then where we are today. The entrenchment of [...]

17 02, 2021

A review of Bill Gates’ New Book “How to avoid a climate disaster”

By |2021-02-17T20:55:00+01:0017 February 2021|Book review, News, USA|Comments Off on A review of Bill Gates’ New Book “How to avoid a climate disaster”

Bill Gates just published a new book, How to Avoid a Climate Disaster. He begins his book with the assertion that “To stop the warming and avoid the worst effects of climate change—and these effects will be very bad—humans need to stop adding greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.” He continues that every country will [...]

11 02, 2021

A new IPCC report, but the same old problems with the models

By |2021-02-11T22:12:08+01:0011 February 2021|IPCC, News, USA|Comments Off on A new IPCC report, but the same old problems with the models

The new IPCC report, abbreviated “AR6,” is due to come out between April 2021 (the Physical Science Basis) and June of 2022 (the Synthesis Report). I’ve purchased some very strong hip waders to prepare for the events. For those who don’t already know, sturdy hip waders are required when wading into sewage. I’ve also taken a [...]

7 02, 2021

The problem with climate models

By |2021-02-07T16:49:04+01:007 February 2021|News, USA|Comments Off on The problem with climate models

In my last post, on Scafetta’s new millennial temperature reconstruction, I included the following sentence that caused a lot of controversy and discussion in the comments: “The model shown uses a computed anthropogenic input based on the CMIP5 models, but while they use an assumed climate sensitivity to CO2 (ECS) of ~3°C, Scafetta uses 1.5°C/2xCO2 to accommodate [...]