3 07, 2023

“Melting on Greenland is slowing down”

By |2023-07-03T11:01:29+02:003 July 2023|News|Comments Off on “Melting on Greenland is slowing down”

The media all over the world are making headlines, telling us that the Greenland Ice Sheet is melting at an accelerating speed. The data for melting of the Greenland Ice Sheet, however, give us no basis for such a conclusion, says guest author Jørgen Keinicke. The climate of Greenland is, just like the [...]

2 07, 2023

Interview Ken DeGraaf

By |2023-07-03T09:43:16+02:002 July 2023|Interviews, USA|Comments Off on Interview Ken DeGraaf

Ken DeGraaf Name: Ken DeGraaf Country: USA What is your background? I was a Distinguished Graduate from the USAF Academy before attending Columbia University as a Guggenheim Fellow. My undergraduate degree was Aerospace Structures, and I earned my Masters of Science in the Dynamics of Indeterminate Structures. After that, I successfully completed [...]

28 06, 2023

Open Letter from Clintel to the UN Secretary-General António Guterres

By |2023-06-28T14:03:35+02:0028 June 2023|Climate policy, CLINTEL, IPCC, Letter, News|Comments Off on Open Letter from Clintel to the UN Secretary-General António Guterres

Amsterdam, June 23, 2023 Professor A.J. (Guus) Berkhout office@clintel.org António Guterres, Secretary-General, United Nations, United Nations Headquarters, New York, NY 10017, United States of America. Dear Mr. Guterres, On 23 September 2019 we have sent you a registered letter, expressing our major concerns about your idealistic plans to stop [...]

8 06, 2023

Une analyse approfondie montre de graves erreurs dans le dernier rapport du GIEC

By |2023-06-08T11:26:49+02:008 June 2023|Belgium French, Canada French, CLINTEL, France, IPCC|Comments Off on Une analyse approfondie montre de graves erreurs dans le dernier rapport du GIEC

Communiqué de presse de CLINTEL du 13 mai 2023  Amsterdam, 9 May 2023 La Fondation Clintel vient de publier un rapport intitulé The Frozen Climate Views of the IPCC, qui à notre connaissance, est la première « évaluation » internationale sérieuse du sixième rapport d’évaluation du GIEC. Organisé en 13 chapitres et [...]

7 06, 2023

Clintel Assessment of latest IPCC Report

By |2023-06-07T11:28:57+02:007 June 2023|Canada English, Canada French, Videos|Comments Off on Clintel Assessment of latest IPCC Report

The carbon taxes you are paying and the climate and energy policies that are making you poor and frustrating business owners are all based on information in the reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Until very recently, no scientific organization has ever done a thorough review of these reports, [...]

4 06, 2023

Interview Dietmar Hildebrand

By |2023-06-04T11:19:06+02:004 June 2023|Germany, Interviews|Comments Off on Interview Dietmar Hildebrand

Dietmar Hildebrand Name: Dietmar Hildebrand Country: Germany What is your background? My background is physics with a focus on biophysics and nuclear physics. Prof. Horst Bücker got me involved in the NASA Biostack Program, which studied the biological effects of cosmic radiation. We flew experiments in Apollo 16, 17 and ASTP. My [...]

2 06, 2023

The Great Snow Cover Debate: Are we seeing more snow or less?

By |2023-06-02T09:51:52+02:002 June 2023|IPCC, Ireland, News, USA, Videos|Comments Off on The Great Snow Cover Debate: Are we seeing more snow or less?

Willie Soon, Ronan and his father Michael Connolly released a new interesting video about the snow cover debate. Clintel covers this debate in chapter 4 of our report The Frozen Climate Views of the IPCC. The three scientists published a paper in 2019 comparing snow cover in climate models with observations. In [...]

1 06, 2023

Open letter to Dr Hoesung Lee, Chair of the IPCC

By |2023-06-04T11:20:06+02:001 June 2023|IPCC, News|Comments Off on Open letter to Dr Hoesung Lee, Chair of the IPCC

Professor Dr. Hoesung Lee, Chair of the IPCC, c/o World Meteorological Organization 7bis Avenue de la Paix C.P. 2300 CH -1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland. The Hague, May 25, 2023 Dear Dr. Hoesung Lee, With the recently published Synthesis Report, the IPCC finished its sixth assessment cycle, consisting of seven reports in [...]

19 05, 2023

Is AR6 the worst and most biased IPCC Report?

By |2023-05-19T10:25:18+02:0019 May 2023|CLINTEL, News, USA|Comments Off on Is AR6 the worst and most biased IPCC Report?

By Andy May This is the text of my presentation on Tom Nelson’s podcast which can be viewed here. The question and answers start at about 18:15 into the interview. The first IPCC Physical Science Basis report is called “FAR” and was first published in 1990. An updated 1992 version of the report contains this [...]

12 05, 2023

Clintels grundige analyse påviser alvorlige feil i IPCCs siste rapport

By |2023-05-12T14:00:10+02:0012 May 2023|Norway|Comments Off on Clintels grundige analyse påviser alvorlige feil i IPCCs siste rapport

Amsterdam, 9 mai 2023 * IPCC skjuler gode nyheter om reduserte tap ved katastrofer og klimarelaterte dødsfall * IPCC hevder på feil grunnlag at klimafølsomheten er høyere enn 2.5 °C; det er mer sannsynlig at den er under 2 oC * IPCC forleder beslutningstakerne ved å fokusere på et usannsynlig worst-case scenario * [...]