4 11, 2021

A CLINTEL üzenete a COP26-on részt vevő nemzeti politikusoknak és világvezetőknek

By |2021-11-09T09:11:14+01:004 November 2021|Hungary|Comments Off on A CLINTEL üzenete a COP26-on részt vevő nemzeti politikusoknak és világvezetőknek

2021. november 1. A CLINTEL üzenete a COP26-on részt vevő nemzeti politikusoknak és világvezetőknek Kőkemény tények szerint a globális felmelegedés NEM katasztrofális, következésképp NINCS klímavészhelyzet. Szíveskedjenek felhagyni a félelemkeltő üzengetésekkel! A félelem mindig rossz döntésekhez vezet, és ami a legrosszabb: [...]

4 11, 2021

CLINTEL-ova poruka političarima i svjetskim vođama na COP-u 26

By |2021-11-04T15:02:17+01:004 November 2021|Croatia|Comments Off on CLINTEL-ova poruka političarima i svjetskim vođama na COP-u 26

November 2, 2021 CLINTEL-ova poruka političarima i svjetskim vođama na COP-u 26 Pouzdane činjenice pokazuju da globalno zatopljenje NIJE katastrofalno, pa stoga NEMA klimatske krize. Zaustavite svoje poruke koje izazivaju strah. Strah uvijek vodi do pogrešnih odluka i prije svega uništava umove naših mladh. Umjesto [...]

3 11, 2021

CLINTEL listet die Fehler des IPCC für COP26 auf

By |2021-11-03T18:13:46+01:003 November 2021|Germany|Comments Off on CLINTEL listet die Fehler des IPCC für COP26 auf

David Wojick In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Irish Climate Science Forum (ICSF) hat CLINTEL einen 17-seitigen Katalog von „Falschdarstellungen“ in der 40-seitigen IPCC AR6 Zusammenfassung für politische Entscheidungsträger, besser bekannt als SPM, erstellt. Jetzt haben sie diese Fehlerliste an den IPCC-Vorsitzenden und andere führende Politiker der Welt geschickt. Sie können sie hier lesen. Die Analyse beginnt [...]

2 11, 2021

Message of CLINTEL to National Politicians and World Leaders at COP26

By |2021-11-24T16:34:14+01:002 November 2021|IPCC, News, The Netherlands|Comments Off on Message of CLINTEL to National Politicians and World Leaders at COP26

November 2, 2021 This is part 1 of a trilogy. The full document can be downloaded as a pdf here. Message of CLINTEL to National Politicians and World Leaders at COP26 (pdf) Hard facts show that global warming is NOT catastrophic, and therefore, there is NO [...]

31 10, 2021

Holocene CO2 Variability and Underlying Trends

By |2021-11-01T14:46:57+01:0031 October 2021|News, USA|Comments Off on Holocene CO2 Variability and Underlying Trends

Guest Post by Renee Hannon Introduction This post compares CO2 data from Antarctic ice cores during the Holocene interglacial period with other publicly available CO2 datasets. Antarctic ice CO2 is regarded as the gold standard for paleo-atmospheric global CO2 during past interglacial and glacial periods. Antarctic CO2 does capture the multi-millennial underlying trend; however, short-term centennial trends are not [...]

30 10, 2021

CLINTEL catalogs IPCC errors in time for UN COP 26

By |2021-10-31T20:21:22+01:0030 October 2021|News, USA|Comments Off on CLINTEL catalogs IPCC errors in time for UN COP 26

Teaming with the Irish Climate Science Forum, CLINTEL has produced a 17 page catalog of “misrepresentations” in the 40 page IPCC AR6 Summary for Policy Makers, better known as the SPM. Now they have sent this error list to the IPCC Chair and other world leaders. You can read it here. The analysis [...]

29 10, 2021

BBC’s Fake Climate Audit Screengrab

By |2021-10-29T11:57:22+02:0029 October 2021|Canada English, IPCC, News, United Kingdom|Comments Off on BBC’s Fake Climate Audit Screengrab

By Stephen McIntyre reposted from Climate Audit On October 18, 2021, BBC (producer Owen Sheers) aired a “conspiracy thriller” entitled The Trick – though a more complete title would have been The Trick… to Hide the Trick to Hide the Decline. In a forthcoming post, I’ll do a longer analysis of the trick in which, to [...]

28 10, 2021

The Extreme Scenario that IPCC Saw as Most Likely in 2013 is Now Judged Low Likelihood

By |2021-10-28T16:31:41+02:0028 October 2021|IPCC, News, USA|Comments Off on The Extreme Scenario that IPCC Saw as Most Likely in 2013 is Now Judged Low Likelihood

Jim O'Brien, Clintel's Irish ambassador and active in the Irish Climate Science Forum regularly organizes very interesting lectures given by prominent climate scientists. Last night the well-known US climate/policy scientist Roger Pielke Jr had the virtual floor. The full talk can be viewed above or on youtube. In his lecture, Roger will [...]

28 10, 2021

China benefits from Western climate hysteria

By |2021-10-28T15:40:31+02:0028 October 2021|China, News, USA|Comments Off on China benefits from Western climate hysteria

The CCP (China Communist Party) is by far the biggest emitter of greenhouse gases on the planet. Is that a problem? By Richard S. Lindzen reposted from Tablet Magazine Overlooking Beijing Shougang Industrial Zone / Shutterstock.com Many of the world’s leaders appear to believe that emissions of carbon dioxide (CO₂) constitute an existential [...]

26 10, 2021

Clintel letter to world leaders: serious misrepresentations in latest IPCC report

By |2021-10-26T16:00:12+02:0026 October 2021|IPCC, News|Comments Off on Clintel letter to world leaders: serious misrepresentations in latest IPCC report

October 26, 2021 Attention: Dr Hoesung Lee, Chair of the IPCC, c/o WMO, 7bis Ave de la Paix, CP2800, CH-1211 Geneva 2, Switzerland. CLINTEL expresses serious concerns on scientific misrepresentations in the Summary for Policymakers Dear Dr Lee, As you already know, CLINTEL is a group of over 900 highly-experienced climate scientists and [...]