Sent: Dec. 24, 2021
Republished as an Open Letter with permission of CLINTEL
To: Guy Parmelin, President of Switzerland
Federal Chancellery
Federal Palace West Wing
3003 Bern
Dear Mr. President,
RE: Request to Rescind Host State Status of World Economic Forum
CLINTEL is the international climate intelligence organization based in The Netherlands, which includes more almost 1000 scientists and engineers from around the world. These professionals dispute the claim of a climate emergency and the fear-inducing claims of ‘Panic’ or that ‘We Don’t Have Time’. See our message to world leaders, scientists and youngsters that were present at COP26:
As president of CLINTEL, I invite you to critically investigate whether the Host State Status of the World Economic Forum still fits with Switzerland’s motto “Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno”.
Please, look at CLINTEL’s worries and arguments in the enclosed letter.
I look forward to hearing from you,
Yours sincerely,
Guus Berkhout
President of CLINTEL

To: Guy Parmelin, President of Switzerland
Federal Chancellery
Federal Palace West Wing
3003 Bern
Dear Mr. President,
RE: Host State Status of World Economic Forum
CLINTEL is the international climate intelligence organization based in The Netherlands, which includes more almost 1000 scientists and engineers from around the world who dispute the claim of a climate emergency and the fear-inducing claims of ‘Panic’ or that ‘We Don’t Have Time’. Please, look at our message to world leaders, scientists and youngsters that were present at COP26:
As president of CLINTEL, I invite you to critically investigate whether the Host State Status of the World Economic Forum still fits with Switzerland’s motto “”Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno”.
According to the statutes of the World Economic Forum (Forum), published online, on January 23, 2015, the Forum and the Government of Switzerland signed a headquarter agreement under the Swiss Host State Act through with the status of the Forum was officially recognized.
In January of 2019, the Forum hosted youth climate activists Greta Thunberg, who gave her now famous speech “Our house is on fire. I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day.”
The high profile of the Forum granting a stage to this young woman who has been so terrified of climate change meant her fear rocketed around the world, communicated in endless headlines.
However, in April of 2021, when testifying to the UN Congress about her words, Congressman Norman asked her what science made her come to that conclusion regarding her words, she testified: “Let me clear that up…. it’s just a metaphor….no science made me come to that conclusion“.
It seems to be irresponsible – and embarrassing for Switzerland – that the Forum, which claims that it operates with “moral and intellectual integrity is at the heart of everything it does” would allow an unvetted, unscientific young person to take the stage at all.
Especially as the Forum also claims to be “an organization is accountable to all parts of society.”
On January 20, 2020, I sent a letter to Borg Brende, President of the World Economic Forum, explaining that the science does not support the claim of a climate emergency and requesting the following:
“We also invite you to organize with us a constructive, open meeting between world-class scientists on both sides of the climate debate. Such an event complies with the sound and ancient principle that all pertinent parties should be fully heard: Audiatur et altera pars.”
To date, no effort has been made on the part of Mr. Brende or the Forum to take up this offer.
This week I have sent a Christmas message to world leaders:
- CO2 budgets and total lockdowns are based on fear; they limit human rights, feed extremism and push mankind into a deep physical, mental and financial crisis. Gentlemen, be aware that “Citizens don’t want to live in a culture of fear”.
- Both your climate and pandemic policies have made the situation worse rather than better (your cure is worse than the disease). Do you realize how disruptive your energy policies are? Do you also realize how disruptive your lockdowns are? Why don’t you give better solutions a chance? Why are you not thinking in terms of costs and benefits?
- Instead of squandering trillions to a problem that does not exist, release people from poverty, solve global health issues such as the corona pandemic, invest more in science and education and, above all, take better care of all life on our unique planet. Gentlemen, be aware that “The trust of citizens in you and your organisations is rapidly disappearing”.
My message implies that the same ‘leaders’ who frighten citizens with a climate crisis, now repeat exactly the same narrative in the corona epidemic. Although the problems are different, they make use of the same misleading methods in both fields and they censor the truthful information. Instead of solving problems, they turn them into a crisis! I hope that my Christmas message will start a rethinking process in the many global public and private organisations that support these rulers for financial reasons.
The full Christmas message can be found on:
The Forum has failed in this regard, despite having had early research and knowledge (i.e. the published 2006 Annual Report) that global risks were known and yet were recently subverted entirely and replaced with a singular focus on the alleged climate crisis.
I look forward to hearing from you,
Yours sincerely,
Guus Berkhout, President of CLINTEL