Open Letter to Global Leaders assembled at COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt
Amsterdam, November 1, 2022 Your Excellencies: By the year 2030, historians will wonder with amazement how it could happen that the UN in previous decades had proposed far-reaching climate-related measures that totally failed [...]
A Much Larger Greenhouse Effect – But Temperatures Dominated by Cooling
Guest post by Wim Röst Foreword Especially for Policymakers The greenhouse effect appears to be much higher than previously assumed. However, that also means that the greenhouse effect does not determine the [...]
KNMI still covers up old heat waves
Last week The Netherlands experienced one hot day (39°C in some places) and unsurprisingly it was connected to climate change. The Dutch Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) even claimed on national television that [...]
Be Proud that we Excel
Guus Berkhout The Netherlands has become a prosperous country by excelling in many sectors. That excellence was based on a well-educated population. Think of the professionals in our public transport, who are [...]
The many health hazards of wind turbines
This is, among other things, our beautiful Netherlands This is undesirable By Ap Cloosterman Most Dutch people prefer not to see windmills in their immediate living environment. In [...]
Er is geen klimaatcrisis
Een wereldwijd netwerk van:
wetenschappers en experts komt met deze urgente boodschap: de klimaatwetenschap zou veel minder politiek moeten zijn, terwijl klimaatbeleid juist wetenschappelijker zou moeten zijn. Wetenschappers zouden openlijk de onzekerheden en overdrijvingen in hun klimaatvoorspellingen moeten adresseren, terwijl politici rationeel de werkelijke kosten evenals de veronderstelde voordelen van hun beleidsmaatregelen zouden moeten becijferen.