CLINTEL welcomes our thousandth signatory
Three years after the founding of the Climate Intelligence Foundation we welcome the one thousandth signatory of the World Climate Declaration. A global network of 1000 scientists, engineers, and other experts agree there [...]
Experienced Engineers must take the lead in the Energy Transition
Green politicians made a big mess of the energy transition and climate scientists encouraged them with their computer models. Putin and Xi Jinping must have watched the self-destruction of the Western World with [...]
How climate activists are taking over Dutch industry
One Environmental Group Wants to Set Climate Policies for All of Dutch Industry “Friends of the Earth” now means “Foes of The Netherlands.” By Lucas Bergkamp A new initiative by environmental organization Friends [...]
William Happer: “In climate policy they use the reversed Robin Hood strategy”
The eminent American physicist William Happer was invited by CLINTEL to visit The Netherlands after he spoke at the excellent EIKE conference in Germany in November. He gave a very interesting one [...]
Guus Berkhout: “Frans Timmermans has done just about everything in his career to abuse science”
An online petition against the honorary doctorate for Frans Timmermans at the TU Delft is rapidly gaining signees. After a national newspaper and the national public broadcaster NOS paid attention to the petition [...]
Er is geen klimaatcrisis
Een wereldwijd netwerk van:
wetenschappers en experts komt met deze urgente boodschap: de klimaatwetenschap zou veel minder politiek moeten zijn, terwijl klimaatbeleid juist wetenschappelijker zou moeten zijn. Wetenschappers zouden openlijk de onzekerheden en overdrijvingen in hun klimaatvoorspellingen moeten adresseren, terwijl politici rationeel de werkelijke kosten evenals de veronderstelde voordelen van hun beleidsmaatregelen zouden moeten becijferen.