22 09, 2021

The greenhouse effect, summary of the Happer and Van Wijngaarden paper

By |2021-09-27T10:36:16+02:0022 September 2021|News, USA|Comments Off on The greenhouse effect, summary of the Happer and Van Wijngaarden paper

By Andy May This post was updated 9/24/2021 to reflect reader comments. The phrase “greenhouse effect,” often abbreviated as “GHE,” is very ambiguous. It applies to Earth’s surface temperature, and has never been observed or measured, only modeled. To make matters worse, it has numerous possible components, and the relative contributions of the possible [...]

21 09, 2021

Er is geen klimaatcrisis. Wanneer houdt de hysterie op?

By |2021-09-21T16:48:56+02:0021 September 2021|Belgium Dutch, News|Comments Off on Er is geen klimaatcrisis. Wanneer houdt de hysterie op?

Een gastbijdrage van Ferdinand Meeus (Verscheen eerder bij Opiniez). Media en politici doen al jaren hun uiterste best om ons ervan te doordringen dat er een klimaatcrisis bestaat. We worden overspoeld met angstaanjagende berichten over de dreigende ondergang van de wereld. EU-klimaatpaus Frans Timmermans wil zelfs meer dan 1000 miljard euro uitgeven om Europa te [...]

20 09, 2021

Climate change: both sides of the discussion

By |2021-09-22T13:36:27+02:0020 September 2021|New Zealand, News|Comments Off on Climate change: both sides of the discussion

Photo: Sun Media Ltd. By John Maunder Originally published here. Some of the answers to the complexities of the climate system are given in my recently published book "Fifteen shades of climate... the fall of the weather dice and the butterfly effect". The following are extracts from pages 5-9. Weather dice were shown on [...]

16 09, 2021

Still waiting for two thirds of polar bears worldwide to disappear due to lack of summer sea ice

By |2021-09-16T20:48:10+02:0016 September 2021|Canada English, News|Comments Off on Still waiting for two thirds of polar bears worldwide to disappear due to lack of summer sea ice

Post by Susan Crockford. Original post here. It’s hard to believe that a polar bear specialist would claim that their predictions have come true, given the facts of the matter: that polar bears arguably number over 30,000 worldwide and regions with the most dramatic sea ice declines have not documented reduced polar bear health [...]

16 09, 2021

Sanctioning the religion of science: is the Pope shifting sides?

By |2021-09-16T20:49:03+02:0016 September 2021|News, The Netherlands|Comments Off on Sanctioning the religion of science: is the Pope shifting sides?

Sanna (24) wants to be sterilised for the climate - Scary to have children. This is the translated title of a Norwegian article posted on the website of the NRK, the Norwegian broadcasting corporation. My love, who is rather fluent in the Norse language (and otherwise incredibly smart), showed me this piece, with [...]

12 09, 2021

Climate Policy Should Pay More Attention to Climate Economics

By |2021-09-16T21:01:55+02:0012 September 2021|News, USA|Comments Off on Climate Policy Should Pay More Attention to Climate Economics

By JOHN H. COCHRANE Originally published at National Review Climate policy is ultimately an economic question. How much does climate change hurt? How much do various policy ideas actually help, and what do they cost? You don’t have to argue with one line of the IPCC scientific reports to disagree with climate policy that doesn’t make [...]

11 09, 2021

False and misleading “fact check” about Connolly, et al., 2021

By |2021-09-11T12:37:25+02:0011 September 2021|News, USA|Comments Off on False and misleading “fact check” about Connolly, et al., 2021

By Andy May Dr. Ronan Connolly and his co-authors respond to obvious false claims, in a supposed “fact check” about their latest paper on how solar variability may be affecting the climate. We applaud Dr. Ronan Connolly, Dr. Willie Soon, and Dr. Michael Connolly for rapidly and publicly calling out this fraudulent fact check. Misinformation [...]

10 09, 2021

Lomborg criticizes medical journals for alarm about climate change

By |2021-09-17T19:12:55+02:0010 September 2021|News|Comments Off on Lomborg criticizes medical journals for alarm about climate change

Danish scientist Bjorn Lomborg has reacted sharply on the claim of over 200 medical journals, earlier this month, that there are significant health risks to any temperature rise. He concludes that there are very basic mistakes underlying the alarmist claims and send the following letter to the editor of The Lancet, one of the journals [...]

10 09, 2021

Countdown to COP26 on the road to failure

By |2021-09-10T10:45:09+02:0010 September 2021|News, USA|Comments Off on Countdown to COP26 on the road to failure

By David Wojick  It is less than 60 days until COP26 convenes in Glasgow. We can expect a flood of climate horror stories (including flooding). But there will also be some discussion of the actual issues, so here is a brief breakdown of the big four. Keep in mind that the alarmists have a bit [...]

4 09, 2021

Nature promotes frivolous lawsuits

By |2021-09-06T11:16:42+02:004 September 2021|News, USA|Comments Off on Nature promotes frivolous lawsuits

By Andy May A Dutch joke*: “The Judge asks an attorney pleading his case: ‘Am I ever to hear the truth?’ The attorney responds: ‘No, my Lord, only the evidence.'” It is safe to say that no evidence exists that man-made climate change has harmed anyone. Further man-made climate or climate change [...]