5 03, 2025

ICSF/Clintel lecture by Prof Kees de Lange 

By |2025-03-05T16:35:25+01:005 March 2025|Climate change, CLINTEL, Ireland, News, Presentation, The Netherlands|Comments Off on ICSF/Clintel lecture by Prof Kees de Lange 

In this lecture Prof Kees de Lange goes back to the basics, learning from observations rather than models, thereby demonstrating that there is no credible climate crisis, and that there is much more to climate than CO2 alone. He then focuses on cloud composition and the lack of experimental data, now hampering progress [...]

12 04, 2024

The Honest Story of Climate Change: Part 2

By |2024-04-15T13:56:17+02:0012 April 2024|News, The Netherlands|Comments Off on The Honest Story of Climate Change: Part 2

With a new course towards a hopeful future By Guus Berkhout and Kees de Lange In the first part of this article, we argued that there is no climate crisis and politicians, climate researchers and journalists were urgently requested to stop scaring the hell out of the population and citing the results of dubious [...]

11 04, 2024

The Honest Story of Climate Change: Part 1

By |2024-04-15T13:55:11+02:0011 April 2024|News, The Netherlands|Comments Off on The Honest Story of Climate Change: Part 1

Weighed down by fear and intimidation. Source: shutterstock By Guus Berkhout & Kees de Lange There is no climate crisis, even if politicians, climate institutes, and the media would have you believe there is. Climate change is a fact, but it is a change as in everything changes, both inside and outside [...]

21 11, 2023

Steven Koonin’s visit to The Netherlands: the science is not settled

By |2023-11-22T14:58:21+01:0021 November 2023|CLINTEL, News, The Netherlands, USA|Comments Off on Steven Koonin’s visit to The Netherlands: the science is not settled

The science is not settled. That is the central message in prof. Steven Koonin’s climate bestseller: Unsettled. Koonin, former Undersecretary for Science in the Obama Administration (2009-2011), demonstrates in his book that the climate problem is often exaggerated and that the proposed energy transition is unfeasible. On the occasion of the launch of the [...]

16 11, 2022

message to World Leaders at G20

By |2022-11-16T12:49:18+01:0016 November 2022|CLINTEL, News, The Netherlands|Comments Off on message to World Leaders at G20

Climate Intelligence Foundation Amsterdam, November 15 2022 To World Leaders at G20 RE: Clintel begs G20 leaders to worry about global poverty, not global warming. Dear Excellencies, You are meeting at the G20 in Indonesia on November 15-16. Important items on the agenda are to restore peace, to stabilise the world economy and [...]

3 11, 2022

Open brief CLINTEL aan wereldleiders op COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypte

By |2022-11-03T16:49:11+01:003 November 2022|Climate policy, CLINTEL, The Netherlands|Comments Off on Open brief CLINTEL aan wereldleiders op COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypte

Excellenties, Het wereldwijde netwerk van Clintel beschikt nu over bredere objectieve wetenschappelijke kennis dan er binnen het IPCC bestaat. Waarom, zullen historici van 2030 zich afvragen, geloofden de VN in oververhitte klimaatmodellen? Waarom beweerde de VN dat er een “existentiële klimaatcrisis” zou zijn? Waarom stelde ze verregaande klimaatgerelateerde maatregelen voor die de welvaart [...]

1 11, 2022

Open Letter to Global Leaders assembled at COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt

By |2022-11-03T17:36:29+01:001 November 2022|CLINTEL, News, The Netherlands|Comments Off on Open Letter to Global Leaders assembled at COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt

Amsterdam, November 1, 2022 Your Excellencies: By the year 2030, historians will wonder with amazement how it could happen that the UN in previous decades had proposed far-reaching climate-related measures that totally failed to arrest global warming, but instead would have the unintended consequence of an unprecedented negative impact on the world’s prosperity [...]

13 09, 2022

A Much Larger Greenhouse Effect – But Temperatures Dominated by Cooling

By |2022-09-15T16:13:15+02:0013 September 2022|News, The Netherlands|Comments Off on A Much Larger Greenhouse Effect – But Temperatures Dominated by Cooling

Guest post by Wim Röst Foreword Especially for Policymakers The greenhouse effect appears to be much higher than previously assumed. However, that also means that the greenhouse effect does not determine the temperature. Earth's temperatures are way lower. The level of Earth's temperatures appears to be completely dependent on cooling by the [...]

27 07, 2022

KNMI still covers up old heat waves

By |2022-07-27T12:32:03+02:0027 July 2022|News, The Netherlands|Comments Off on KNMI still covers up old heat waves

Last week The Netherlands experienced one hot day (39°C in some places) and unsurprisingly it was connected to climate change. The Dutch Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) even claimed on national television that the hottest days are now four degrees Celsius warmer than a century ago. But is this true? Rob de Vos, [...]

11 07, 2022

Be Proud that we Excel

By |2022-07-12T11:03:47+02:0011 July 2022|News, The Netherlands|Comments Off on Be Proud that we Excel

Guus Berkhout The Netherlands has become a prosperous country by excelling in many sectors.  That excellence was based on a well-educated population.  Think of the professionals in our public transport, who are widely praised for their punctuality and comfort.  I also mention the engineers in our energy sector who provided affordable, reliable, [...]