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20 01, 2022

Book Review: FALLEN ICON by Susan J. Crockford

By |2022-01-20T20:47:26+01:0020 January 2022|Book review, Canada English, News, USA|Comments Off on Book Review: FALLEN ICON by Susan J. Crockford

Book Review by Kip Hansen A fantastic read!   Take a deep dive into the intrigue and devious deception perpetrated on the world by a detailed list of international operators at the point where international climate change politics, the entertainment industry and over-zealous and unscrupulous advocacy meet to generate money, transfer power and [...]

18 01, 2022

WMO inflates the number of natural disasters

By |2022-01-18T17:22:49+01:0018 January 2022|News, USA|Comments Off on WMO inflates the number of natural disasters

by Gregory Wrightstone and Kip Hansen A recent report by the World Meteorological Organization claims that there has been a dramatic increase in the number of natural disasters over the last 50 years. According to the WMO Atlas of Mortality and Economic Losses from Weather, Climate and Water Extremes (1970 – 2019), there were more [...]

15 01, 2022

William Happer: “In climate policy they use the reversed Robin Hood strategy”

By |2022-01-15T17:21:02+01:0015 January 2022|CLINTEL, Interviews, News, The Netherlands, USA, Videos|Comments Off on William Happer: “In climate policy they use the reversed Robin Hood strategy”

The eminent American physicist William Happer was invited by CLINTEL to visit The Netherlands after he spoke at the excellent EIKE conference in Germany in November. He gave a very interesting one hour talk in Amsterdam. The following day he was interviewed by Marcel Crok of CLINTEL for an online platform called [...]

11 01, 2022

Group Sunspot Numbers: A New Reconstruction of Sunspot Activity Variations from Historical Sunspot Records Using Algorithms from Machine Learning

By |2022-01-11T19:51:19+01:0011 January 2022|News, USA|Comments Off on Group Sunspot Numbers: A New Reconstruction of Sunspot Activity Variations from Historical Sunspot Records Using Algorithms from Machine Learning

We received this email from Willie Soon today, Dear Friends and Colleagues, I am proudly attaching this new paper: “Group Sunspot Numbers: A New Reconstruction of Sunspot Activity Variations from Historical Sunspot Records Using Algorithms from Machine Learning” that just appeared online at Solar Physics, Indeed we think that this paper is [...]

10 01, 2022

IEA: Global Coal Power Generation to Reach a New High in 2022

By |2022-01-11T19:58:52+01:0010 January 2022|News, USA|Comments Off on IEA: Global Coal Power Generation to Reach a New High in 2022

By Andy May It’s official, the IEA believes that coal-powered electricity generation will rise 9% in 2021 to an all-time high, once the final numbers are in. For the details see their new report here. It is not paywalled. The rise is driven by China and India, these countries account for two-thirds of global coal [...]

6 01, 2022

Imagine electric vehicles in bad weather

By |2022-01-06T13:40:36+01:006 January 2022|News, USA|Comments Off on Imagine electric vehicles in bad weather

With more than forty percent of the EV’s in America being in California at the end of 2020, the EV popularity in California has gotten President Biden so excited to want the rest of the country to follow California’s lead that Biden issued a new executive order that pushes for half of all new cars sold [...]

5 01, 2022

Judith Curry’s take on the movie Don’t Look up

By |2022-01-05T22:26:59+01:005 January 2022|Climate policy, News, USA|Comments Off on Judith Curry’s take on the movie Don’t Look up

by Judith Curry Reposted with her permission from her blog Climate Etc. Some reflections on the movie Don’t Look Up. Source: Netflix. If you haven’t seen the movie, it is worth watching (available on Netflix). The movie is a satirical black comedy, with a large number of A-list actors. It’s about scientists giving [...]

4 01, 2022

Lessons to be learned from eugenics

By |2022-01-04T19:57:20+01:004 January 2022|News, USA|Comments Off on Lessons to be learned from eugenics

Projecting the impacts of science-based policy is never 100 percent certain, nor can we ever have complete confidence in how these impacts will be viewed by those living generations from now. Nevertheless, many scientists are continually frustrated by those whom they see as poorly informed and shortsighted. “It is indeed in laying [...]

4 01, 2022

Sudden Changes in Ocean Currents Warmed Arctic, Cooled Antarctic in Past

By |2022-01-04T16:00:28+01:004 January 2022|News, USA|Comments Off on Sudden Changes in Ocean Currents Warmed Arctic, Cooled Antarctic in Past

Abrupt changes in ocean currents – and not greenhouse gases – were responsible for sudden warming of the Arctic and for sudden cooling in the Antarctic at different times in the past, according to two recent research studies. The Antarctic cooling marked the genesis of the now massive Antarctic ice sheet. The [...]

23 12, 2021

Total Energy Used and petrochemicals

By |2021-12-23T12:10:59+01:0023 December 2021|News, USA|Comments Off on Total Energy Used and petrochemicals

By Andy May It came up in conversation: How much oil and gas goes into plastics and fertilizer production? It turns out the IEA has a 2018 report on this very topic. They have a separate 2020 report on total energy used in 2019. The reports contain some interesting graphs and data. Below is a comparison of total [...]