© Clintel Foundation / Friday February 4, 2022
“Climate activists are taking over Dutch industry”

“A new initiative by environmental organization Friends of the Earth (called “Milieudefensie” in The Netherlands) threatens to plunge the Dutch economy into a green abyss”, says environmental lawyer Lucas Bergkamp. “Recently FoE sent a letter to the 30 largest companies in The Netherlands demanding that those companies submit a ‘climate plan’ by April 15. To support its demands, FoE relies on the verdict it won in a case against Shell, in which the Court ordered Shell to accelerate its emission reductions to solve the ‘climate crisis’. With that verdict in hand, FoE is now trying to bring the entire Dutch business community to its knees.”
Dutch industry is not dead yet, but the threat is real, says Bergkamp. “If politics fails, as it customarily does, the only viable option for citizens is to go to court. But will the Dutch judiciary persist in its illegitimate power grab, its violation of the separation of powers, and its denial of the disastrous consequences for the citizen, the rule of law, the economy, employment, and societal wealth? Or will the court come to the realization that it was not a good idea to side with climate activists in their fight against democracy and prosperity?”
Read the full article by Bergkamp: here
Should government control scientific research?

Federal money allows unelected bureaucrats to control scientific research, says blogger Andy May in a talk he gave to The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (South Texas Section) on January 20. “They dictate the projects, and often the outcomes. They use selective leaks to the press to embarrass anyone who tries to interfere with their control. They trade in fear and relish it. Anyone who disagrees with them is suppressing ‘science’.”
“They also use ignorant and compliant news media, to demonize privately funded scientific research as “corrupted” by ‘evil’ corporations. Government research is ‘science’ and privately funded research is corrupt. Using this narrative, they become the ‘truth’, and no contrary views are allowed.”
Read the full transcript of Andy May’s talk: here
“Everyone is silent in Brussels”

Recently, Christoph Leitl, the president of, the federation of EU chambers of commerce, declared on leaving office that the objectives of the EU’s Green Deal are unrealistic. “One would wish he would also have had the courage to say this during his time in office”, says professor Samuel Furfari (formerly a senior official at the Energy Directorate-General of the European Commission). “This is precisely the strength, and the weakness, of the European Commission”, Furfari continues. “Everyone is silent, causing the Commission to believe that it is on the right track. That is a big problem, because the current situation is the consequence of EU energy policies that have been subjected to the dictates of climate policy. Just like the emperor who thinks he has new clothes in Andersen’s fable, the European Union is naked in the face of this crisis that it has helped to create.”
Read the full article: here
Susan Crockford’s new book details Sir David Attenborough’s fall

Sir David Attenborough used the gruesome, slow-motion falling walrus imagery in the Netflix/WWF documentary Our Planet in April 2019 to jump-start a three year long campaign against human-caused global warming. That is the conclusion of polar bear expert Susan J. Crockford in her new book Fallen Icon: Sir David Attenborough and the Walrus Deception, which is now available for purchase.
“In her new book Susan chronicles the deceitful and unscrupulous way in which Sir David Attenborough has characterized the death of hundreds of Russian walruses, claiming they were due to a lack of ice caused by global warming’, writes Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore. “Thanks to Susan we now know the truth about Sir David’s shameless attempt to use the walrus deaths to support another myth, that there is a ‘climate emergency’ that requires we effectively give up modern civilization altogether.”
Read more on the new book, including a review, here and here
World Climate Declaration

The number of signees of the CLINTEL World Climate Declaration (WCD) keeps growing. We are approaching 1000 signees! The total number is now 985.
Recently the number of new signees is growing faster and faster. In the coming period we will show all the new signees in our newsletter. Here are the recently added names:
New Signatories
Dr. Hugo Poppe, Belgium, Emeritus hoogleraar, Weer- en Klimaatkunde, KU-Leuven, 1966-2002
Dr. E.J. (Ed) Zuiderwijk, The Netherlands, Retired Astrophysicist and Data Manager
Arve Gleissner Gustavsen, Norway, Msc in Cybernetics, Lifelong Experience in Design and Engineering
Wally Manheimer, USA, Retired from the US Naval Research Lab and life fellow of APS and IEEE
Jaak Peeters, Belgium, Psychologist and Writer
Afshin Shahzamani, Canada, Retired professional (Medical Science Liaison) pharmaceutical industry
Henck van Dijck, The Netherlands, Sculptor, designer and innovator
Rob Schoevaart, The Netherlands, Biocatalist, Co-founder and Managing Director of ChiralVision, being specialised in making chemical processes greener
Jan Asselbergs, the Netherlands, Mechanical Engineer who started his career with IHC. Since 1990 he is active in revitalizing medium sized companies
Bogdan Kasprzak, Canada, Professional Geoscientist, life time experience in data modelling, data analysing and data interpretation
Dennis E. Hedke, USA, Lifetime Career in Earth Sciences, Consulting Geophysicist; in 2018Hedke was co-presenter of the testimony on Sea Level Rise before the Committee on Environmental protection of the New York City Council
Michael Creech, Australia, lifetime active as Geologist; Dr. Creech informs the public by giving presentations on Climate Change
Frans Bijlaard, The Netherlands, Professor-Emeritus steel constructions, TU Delft
Ole Henrik Ellestad, Norway, Physical Chemist. Former Research Director and Professor in Petrochemistry at the Centre for Industrial Research and University of Oslo. Former Managing Director of Norwegian Computer Centre. Former Division Director of Norwegian Research Council. Previous Chairman of the Board, Klimarealistene
Charles Coleman, the Netherlands, former executive Olivetti Group International
Holger Thuss, Germany, President EIKE Institute
Jan W. Drukker, The Netherlands, Emeritus Professor Industrial Design Delft University of Technology, University of Twente and (Visiting Professor) Tsinghua University (Beijing PRC). Elected Member Regional Parliament of the Dutch Province Drenthe
Henk de Koning, The Netherlands, MSc, former Principal Management Consultant Atos Consulting with specialisation Logistics, IT and Information Security
Steven Milloy, USA, MHS, JD, LLM, Publisher
William Briggs, USA, Alumnus Cornell University, Writer and Philosopher
Lee C. Gerhard, USA, Getty Professor of Geologic Engineering, Colorado School of Mines (Ret.); State Geologist and Director, Kansas Geological Survey (Ret.)
Hans Borge, Norway, Associate Professor in Mathematics, University of Stavanger
Dezso Csejtei, Hungary, retired professor of philosophy at the University of Szeged
Harry C. M. de Swart, The Netherlands, Emeritus Professor of Logic and Language Analysis, University of Tilburg, Author of the book ‘Philosophical and Mathematical Logic’
In Memorandum
Rob W.J. Kouffeld, the Netherlands, Emeritus Professor of Energy Conversion, Delft University of Technology
Emiel van Broekhoven, Belgium, Emeritus Professor of Economics, University of Antwerp
Albert Stienstra, the Netherlands, Emeritus Professor of Computer Simulation and Micro-Electronics, Delft University of Technology
Morten Jødal, Norway, Former Employee of the Norwegian Research Council and the Centre for the Development and Environment at the University of Oslo
Want to sign as well? Go here
CLINTEL is an Amsterdam (The Netherlands) based thinktank founded in 2019 by Dutch emeritus professor Guus Berkhout and science writer Marcel Crok. CLINTEL operates as a climate science and climate policy watchdog. In its first year it launched the World Climate Declaration, stating firmly “there is no climate emergency”. That declaration is now signed by more than 925 scientists and experts.
CLINTEL wants to be independent from governments as these are the main funders of climate science and policy. In practice it means we need broad support from citizens and small and medium enterprises around the world.
For more information, please contact Marcel Crok, +31 6 16 236275, marcel.crok@clintel.org
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