About Andy May

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So far Andy May has created 85 blog entries.
17 05, 2021

Fact checking Steven Koonin’s Fact Checkers

By |2021-05-17T12:17:29+02:0017 May 2021|Book review, News, USA|Comments Off on Fact checking Steven Koonin’s Fact Checkers

By Andy May The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) published a review of Steven Koonin’s new book Unsettled on April 25, a little over a week before it went on sale. A blog called “Climate Feedback” published a “Fact Check” of the book review on May 3rd, the day before the book came out. This so-called fact check was [...]

2 05, 2021

A Review of Temperature Reconstructions

By |2021-05-02T14:06:47+02:002 May 2021|News, USA|Comments Off on A Review of Temperature Reconstructions

This is an update to a 2016 post; the original post is here. We often hear that the planet is warming faster than ever before, or at the fastest rate since the beginning of the industrial era! Is it true? We haven’t had thermometers for very long. How do thermometer readings compare to temperature proxies [...]

28 04, 2021

Clouds and Global Warming

By |2021-04-28T15:16:15+02:0028 April 2021|News, USA|Comments Off on Clouds and Global Warming

This post is inspired by an old post on the CERES cloud data by Willis Eschenbach that I’ve read and re-read a lot, “Estimating Cloud Feedback Using CERES Data.” The reason for my interest is I had trouble understanding it, but it looked fascinating because Willis was comparing CERES measured cloud data to IPCC modeled cloud feedback. I [...]

26 04, 2021

Unsettled, Steven Koonin’s new book

By |2021-04-26T14:04:27+02:0026 April 2021|Book review, News, USA|Comments Off on Unsettled, Steven Koonin’s new book

I was honored to be chosen by NYU Professor Steven E. Koonin to review his wonderful new book, Unsettled: What Climate Science Tells Us, What it Doesn’t, and Why We Got It Wrong. According to Amazon.com, if you order the Kindle version (Koonin, 2021) now, it will download on May 4th. Professor Koonin sent me a near final [...]

20 02, 2021

The Texas Energy Disaster

By |2021-02-23T15:13:00+01:0020 February 2021|News, USA|Comments Off on The Texas Energy Disaster

I live in Texas and write about climate science and energy, so I get a lot of questions about the recent problems. My wife and I are OK, we have a natural gas powered generator and did not lose power like most people did earlier this week. We also had a broken pipe, but [...]

17 02, 2021

A review of Bill Gates’ New Book “How to avoid a climate disaster”

By |2021-02-17T20:55:00+01:0017 February 2021|Book review, News, USA|Comments Off on A review of Bill Gates’ New Book “How to avoid a climate disaster”

Bill Gates just published a new book, How to Avoid a Climate Disaster. He begins his book with the assertion that “To stop the warming and avoid the worst effects of climate change—and these effects will be very bad—humans need to stop adding greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.” He continues that every country will [...]

11 02, 2021

A new IPCC report, but the same old problems with the models

By |2021-02-11T22:12:08+01:0011 February 2021|IPCC, News, USA|Comments Off on A new IPCC report, but the same old problems with the models

The new IPCC report, abbreviated “AR6,” is due to come out between April 2021 (the Physical Science Basis) and June of 2022 (the Synthesis Report). I’ve purchased some very strong hip waders to prepare for the events. For those who don’t already know, sturdy hip waders are required when wading into sewage. I’ve also taken a [...]

7 02, 2021

The problem with climate models

By |2021-02-07T16:49:04+01:007 February 2021|News, USA|Comments Off on The problem with climate models

In my last post, on Scafetta’s new millennial temperature reconstruction, I included the following sentence that caused a lot of controversy and discussion in the comments: “The model shown uses a computed anthropogenic input based on the CMIP5 models, but while they use an assumed climate sensitivity to CO2 (ECS) of ~3°C, Scafetta uses 1.5°C/2xCO2 to accommodate [...]

4 02, 2021

Scafetta: CMIP5 models unable to replicate Medieval Warm Period, ignore nature

By |2021-02-05T14:57:34+01:004 February 2021|Italy, News, USA|Comments Off on Scafetta: CMIP5 models unable to replicate Medieval Warm Period, ignore nature

Nicola Scafetta has written a new paper (Scafetta, 2021) in Atmosphere on a new millennial surface temperature reconstruction. This is his latest “what if the models are accurate?” analysis. Scafetta’s idea is, let’s assume a model is correct, what are the implications? Previously, he examined the PMOD solar model, by assuming it was correct and the Sun is invariant [...]

23 01, 2021

A New Look at the Urban Heat Island Effect

By |2021-01-23T13:58:48+01:0023 January 2021|News, USA|Comments Off on A New Look at the Urban Heat Island Effect

Nicola Scafetta has just published a new paper in Climate Dynamics examining evidence of the urban heat island (UHI) effect (Scafetta, 2021). The paper is not paywalled and can be downloaded here. In summary, Scafetta shows that part of the recent warming shown in the HadCRUT 4 global temperature record may be due to the UHI effect. He uses [...]