About Guus Berkhout

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So far Guus Berkhout has created 31 blog entries.
21 07, 2021

Green politicians, stop blaming climate change for your failures

By |2021-07-22T18:26:25+02:0021 July 2021|News, The Netherlands|Comments Off on Green politicians, stop blaming climate change for your failures

The huge floods in Europe show that the EU water drainage has fallen short in protecting citizens. Even in the South of my country (The Netherlands), with an excellent record of water management, there is a huge amount of damage. How could this happen? "[..] European politicians state that they are not to [...]

14 08, 2020

Magna Carta Universitatum 2020

By |2020-08-29T13:12:21+02:0014 August 2020|News|Comments Off on Magna Carta Universitatum 2020

Preamble Universities serve society by generating and passing on scientific knowledge through research and teaching. Today, universities have become a primary source of prosperity in their region. The higher the scientific level realized, the larger the contribution to prosperity. Universities, therefore, should promote excellence at all times. This means that they should not settle [...]

24 06, 2020

Open letter to the KNAW: don’t exclude scientists with alternative views

By |2020-06-24T13:50:52+02:0024 June 2020|News|Comments Off on Open letter to the KNAW: don’t exclude scientists with alternative views

Prof. Dr. Ineke Sluiter, President Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) Trippenhuis Kloveniersburgwal 29 1011 JV AMSTERDAM The Hague, 10 June 2020 Dear Professor Sluiter, As a dedicated KNAW member, I wrote to past-President José van Dijck more than two years ago and past-President Wim van Saarloos more than a year ago [...]

18 05, 2020

Registered Letter from CLINTEL to Frans Timmermans

By |2020-05-18T16:02:00+02:0018 May 2020|News|Comments Off on Registered Letter from CLINTEL to Frans Timmermans

Amsterdam, May 5, 2020 Professor Guus Berkhout office@clintel.org Dr. Frans Timmermans Executive Vice President European Commission Wetstraat 200 1049 Brussels Your Excellency, CLINTEL’s network of more than 800 experienced scientists and professionals in climate and related fields has the honor to share with you our profound worries about your plans to re-engineer the [...]

18 05, 2020

Registered Letter from CLINTEL to Guterres

By |2020-05-18T15:50:47+02:0018 May 2020|News|Comments Off on Registered Letter from CLINTEL to Guterres

Amsterdam, May 5, 2020 Professor Guus Berkhout office@clintel.org Sr. António Guterres, Secretary-General, United Nations, United Nations Headquarters, New York, NY 10017, United States of America. Your Excellency, CLINTEL’s network of more than 800 experienced scientists and professionals in climate and related fields has the honor to share with you our profound worries about [...]

15 05, 2020

Don’t fight nature: adapt

By |2020-05-15T09:11:43+02:0015 May 2020|News|Comments Off on Don’t fight nature: adapt

CLINTEL wishes to hearten and encourage members of parliament and proposes to them how to get the economy back on its feet without risky experiments. Divinely-appointed King Canute (above) could not stop sea-level rise. Nor can we. We cannot prevent the emergence of natural events such as earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, extreme weather, [...]

2 05, 2020

Don’t fight nature, but adapt to it

By |2020-05-02T20:56:25+02:002 May 2020|News|Comments Off on Don’t fight nature, but adapt to it

CLINTEL gives members of parliament a shot in the arm and proposes how to get the economy back on its feet without utopian experiments After lifting the COVID-19 lockdowns, national parliaments must oppose the impracticable green agendas of supranational organizations to construct a utopian Earth. Instead of spending trillions of dollars on fighting [...]

2 04, 2020

Clintel.org – Checking the Facts and Ethics of the International Fact-Checking Network of Poynter Institute

By |2020-04-06T10:05:26+02:002 April 2020|News|Comments Off on Clintel.org – Checking the Facts and Ethics of the International Fact-Checking Network of Poynter Institute

Open Letter to Mr. Neil Brown, President of the Poynter Institute info (at) poynter.org RE: CLINTEL and Climate Feedback Dear Mr. Brown, I understand that the United States prides itself on its dedication to Freedom of Speech. Therefore, I am surprised to learn that your Poynter Institute is enacting a modern day form [...]

25 03, 2020

Boodschap CLINTEL: “Vecht tegen virus, niet tegen CO2”

By |2020-03-25T16:19:31+01:0025 March 2020|The Netherlands|Comments Off on Boodschap CLINTEL: “Vecht tegen virus, niet tegen CO2”

Open brief van CLINTEL aan wereldleiders “Vecht tegen virus, niet tegen CO­2” Den Haag, 23 maart, 2020 Professor Guus Berkhout President of CLINTEL guus.berkhout@clintelgroup.org Excellenties, LES IN NEDERIGHEID – ONVOORSPELBARE NATUURKRACHTEN OVERVALLEN ONS De wereld zit midden in een ernstige gezondheidscrisis. Vandaag de dag heeft de mensheid te maken met een echte noodsituatie [...]

23 03, 2020

Message CLINTEL: “Fight virus not carbon”

By |2020-03-24T16:48:18+01:0023 March 2020|News|Comments Off on Message CLINTEL: “Fight virus not carbon”

Open Letter from CLINTEL to World Leaders: “Fight virus not carbon” The Hague, March 23, 2020 Professor Guus Berkhout President of CLINTEL guus.berkhout@clintelgroup.org Your Excellencies, LESSON IN HUMILITY ­– UNPREDICTABLE NATURAL FORCES CHANGE THE WORLD The world is in the middle of a serious health crisis. Today, the people of the world face [...]