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28 10, 2021

China benefits from Western climate hysteria

By |2021-10-28T15:40:31+02:0028 October 2021|China, News, USA|Comments Off on China benefits from Western climate hysteria

The CCP (China Communist Party) is by far the biggest emitter of greenhouse gases on the planet. Is that a problem? By Richard S. Lindzen reposted from Tablet Magazine Overlooking Beijing Shougang Industrial Zone / Many of the world’s leaders appear to believe that emissions of carbon dioxide (CO₂) constitute an existential [...]

10 10, 2021

The Old Farmer’s Almanac Seasonal Forecasts

By |2021-10-10T15:38:23+02:0010 October 2021|News, USA|Comments Off on The Old Farmer’s Almanac Seasonal Forecasts

By Andy May The Old Farmer’s Almanac has been making yearly long-term weather forecasts for 230 years. We pay attention to them because they are normally 80% accurate. They did not do as well last winter but were 72% in predicting the direction of temperature change, and 78% accurate in the change in precipitation. This is pretty [...]

30 09, 2021

New Yorker Magazine Has a Moral Obligation to Open the Climate Debate Before COP26, says Friends of Science Society

By |2021-10-01T12:20:35+02:0030 September 2021|Canada English, News, The Netherlands, USA|Comments Off on New Yorker Magazine Has a Moral Obligation to Open the Climate Debate Before COP26, says Friends of Science Society

In response to a recent podcast by David Remnick with Swedish climate activist Andreas Malm, who advocates sabotage for critical infrastructure that underpins modern society, The New Yorker has a moral obligation to open up the climate debate and demonstrate that fears of a hellscape world are exaggerated, says Friends of Science Society. [...]

22 09, 2021

The greenhouse effect, summary of the Happer and Van Wijngaarden paper

By |2021-09-27T10:36:16+02:0022 September 2021|News, USA|Comments Off on The greenhouse effect, summary of the Happer and Van Wijngaarden paper

By Andy May This post was updated 9/24/2021 to reflect reader comments. The phrase “greenhouse effect,” often abbreviated as “GHE,” is very ambiguous. It applies to Earth’s surface temperature, and has never been observed or measured, only modeled. To make matters worse, it has numerous possible components, and the relative contributions of the possible [...]

12 09, 2021

Climate Policy Should Pay More Attention to Climate Economics

By |2021-09-16T21:01:55+02:0012 September 2021|News, USA|Comments Off on Climate Policy Should Pay More Attention to Climate Economics

By JOHN H. COCHRANE Originally published at National Review Climate policy is ultimately an economic question. How much does climate change hurt? How much do various policy ideas actually help, and what do they cost? You don’t have to argue with one line of the IPCC scientific reports to disagree with climate policy that doesn’t make [...]

11 09, 2021

False and misleading “fact check” about Connolly, et al., 2021

By |2021-09-11T12:37:25+02:0011 September 2021|News, USA|Comments Off on False and misleading “fact check” about Connolly, et al., 2021

By Andy May Dr. Ronan Connolly and his co-authors respond to obvious false claims, in a supposed “fact check” about their latest paper on how solar variability may be affecting the climate. We applaud Dr. Ronan Connolly, Dr. Willie Soon, and Dr. Michael Connolly for rapidly and publicly calling out this fraudulent fact check. Misinformation [...]

10 09, 2021

Countdown to COP26 on the road to failure

By |2021-09-10T10:45:09+02:0010 September 2021|News, USA|Comments Off on Countdown to COP26 on the road to failure

By David Wojick  It is less than 60 days until COP26 convenes in Glasgow. We can expect a flood of climate horror stories (including flooding). But there will also be some discussion of the actual issues, so here is a brief breakdown of the big four. Keep in mind that the alarmists have a bit [...]

4 09, 2021

Nature promotes frivolous lawsuits

By |2021-09-06T11:16:42+02:004 September 2021|News, USA|Comments Off on Nature promotes frivolous lawsuits

By Andy May A Dutch joke*: “The Judge asks an attorney pleading his case: ‘Am I ever to hear the truth?’ The attorney responds: ‘No, my Lord, only the evidence.'” It is safe to say that no evidence exists that man-made climate change has harmed anyone. Further man-made climate or climate change [...]

26 08, 2021

Carbon Dioxide Has Reached a Point of Diminishing Returns

By |2021-08-26T22:18:01+02:0026 August 2021|News, United Kingdom, USA|Comments Off on Carbon Dioxide Has Reached a Point of Diminishing Returns

The Greenhouse Effect Explained by David Siegel, see original post here People like Al Gore think that the greenhouse effect is like a blanket, where the atmosphere, which in 1960 had 3 molecules per 10,000 of CO2 and now has 4 out of 10,000, smothers the earth, preventing heat from escaping. In their [...]

18 08, 2021

The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum or PETM

By |2021-08-18T17:16:38+02:0018 August 2021|News, USA|Comments Off on The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum or PETM

The PETM or Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum was a warm period that began between 56.3 and 55.9 Ma (million years ago). The IPCC AR6 report (actually a draft, not a final edited report), released to the public on August 9, 2021, suggests that this warm period is similar to what is happening today and they [...]