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22 07, 2022

The European Heat Wave and Global Warming

By |2022-07-22T17:03:29+02:0022 July 2022|News, USA|Comments Off on The European Heat Wave and Global Warming

From the Cliff Mass Weather Blog There is a lot of talk about the short-term European heatwave with some suggesting that the record-breaking warmth is the result of climate change/global warming. Some of the media and climate advocates have been over the top in their claims (see below), stating that this event was [...]

20 07, 2022

The Great Climate Debate of 2022

By |2022-07-20T17:27:53+02:0020 July 2022|News, USA|Comments Off on The Great Climate Debate of 2022

It’s time to learn what is settled science and what isn’t Today, humans are spending more than $1 trillion each year on decarbonization and renewables. A recent McKinsey study claims we’ll need to spend 9.2 trillion per year for the next 30 years. Governments are spending hundreds of billions on research. This is [...]

20 07, 2022

The two-degree limit has no scientific basis

By |2022-07-20T10:55:25+02:0020 July 2022|News, USA|Comments Off on The two-degree limit has no scientific basis

By Andy May For decades We have been told that we must not let global warming exceed two degrees Celsius above the “pre-industrial” global average temperature. Recently the IPCC lowered this limit to 1.5°C. In the latest IPCC report, called AR6, pre-industrial is defined as before 1750, but they use global temperatures from 1850-1900 as representative [...]

20 07, 2022

CO2 will barely double in 2100

By |2022-07-20T11:07:49+02:0020 July 2022|News, USA|Comments Off on CO2 will barely double in 2100

by Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D. reposted from his blog Summary The simple CO2 budget model I introduced in 2019 is updated with the latest Mauna Loa measurements of atmospheric CO2 and with new Energy Information Administration estimates of global CO2 emissions through 2050. The model suggests that atmospheric CO2 will barely [...]

19 07, 2022

Reducing carbon dioxide at home while China keeps on growing

By |2022-07-19T13:56:54+02:0019 July 2022|News, USA|Comments Off on Reducing carbon dioxide at home while China keeps on growing

Reposted from the Manhattan Contrarian By Francis Menton The Supreme Court’s West Virginia v. EPA decision a couple of weeks ago has brought forth a big wave of hand wringing in the precincts of the left. How oh how are we now going to save the planet, if our friends at the EPA [...]

13 07, 2022

Number of Tropical Cyclones down 13 percent last century

By |2022-07-13T10:50:32+02:0013 July 2022|News, USA|Comments Off on Number of Tropical Cyclones down 13 percent last century

"If it [a scientific hypothesis] disagrees with experiment, it’s WRONG." – Nobel Prize winner Richard Feynman Despite the claims of activists and the mainstream media that climate change is making major hurricanes – such as U.S. Hurricane Harvey in 2017 or Hurricane Katrina in 2005 – more frequent and stronger, several recent [...]

11 07, 2022

Methane obsession totally unwarranted

By |2022-07-11T11:49:45+02:0011 July 2022|News, USA|Comments Off on Methane obsession totally unwarranted

You’ve probably heard that methane, one of the minor greenhouse gases, allegedly makes an outsized contribution to global warming. But the current obsession with methane emissions is totally unwarranted and based on a fundamental misunderstanding of basic physics. This misconception has been explained in detail by atmospheric physicists William Happer and William van [...]

8 07, 2022

LinkedIn Bans Scientist for Presenting Inconvenient Truths About CO2

By |2022-07-08T14:05:50+02:008 July 2022|Climate policy, News, USA|Comments Off on LinkedIn Bans Scientist for Presenting Inconvenient Truths About CO2

The big-tech censors are at it again: the CO2 Coalition’s Executive Director Gregory Wrightstone has been permanently banned from LinkedIn. What did Wrightstone do to earn the banishment? His “crime” consisted of posting charts from peer reviewed research supported by official sources demonstrating that current global average CO2 levels are well within the natural range of [...]

27 06, 2022

Critical comments by Happer and Lindzen on SEC Rule

By |2022-06-27T18:03:24+02:0027 June 2022|Climate policy, IPCC, News, USA|Comments Off on Critical comments by Happer and Lindzen on SEC Rule

By Andy May The U.S. Constitution was finally approved in 1787, after much debate. It reserved a specific list of powers for the federal government and the first ten amendments, or the “Bill of Rights,” reserved many powers for the citizens and states. The Bill of Rights imposed clear limitations on the federal [...]

24 06, 2022

CO2 Sample Spacing in Ice Cores

By |2022-06-25T09:53:45+02:0024 June 2022|News, USA|Comments Off on CO2 Sample Spacing in Ice Cores

Guest Post by Renee Hannon Introduction This post examines sample spacing for CO2 measurements in Antarctic ice cores during the past 800,000 years to better understand if gaps in sampling are too large to capture centennial fluctuations. The IPCC states: “Although ice core records present low-pass filtered time series due to gas diffusion and [...]