
William Happer: “In climate policy they use the reversed Robin Hood strategy”

The eminent American physicist William Happer was invited by CLINTEL to visit The Netherlands after he spoke at the excellent EIKE conference in Germany in November. He gave a very interesting one hour talk in Amsterdam. The following day he was interviewed by Marcel Crok of CLINTEL for an online platform called [...]

By |15 January 2022|Categories: CLINTEL, Interviews, News, The Netherlands, USA, Videos|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on William Happer: “In climate policy they use the reversed Robin Hood strategy”

Interview John Ledger

John Ledger (right) at the Katse Dam, Lesotho. Name: John Ledger Residence: Johannesburg Country: South Africa What is your background? I am primarily a biologist, having a BSc in Zoology and Botany (1964), a BSc Hons in Zoology (1965) and a PhD in Tropical Pathology (1976). I have had three different [...]

By |12 July 2021|Categories: Interviews, News, South Africa|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Interview John Ledger

Interview Lindsay Hackett

Name: Lindsay Hackett Residence: Macleay Island Qld Country: Australia What is your background? I am a scientist with a B.Sc (Melb) as well as being an engineer CEng(UK) with 21 years as an engineering officer in the RAAF. Engineering Officer, 5 years as small business owner and operator (boat building, repair, ships [...]

By |27 November 2020|Categories: Australia, Interviews|Comments Off on Interview Lindsay Hackett

Interview Giuliano Panza

Name: Giuliano F. Panza Residence: Trieste Country: Italy What is your background? I graduated in physics at Bologna University (Alma Mater). I am a former full professor at the University of Trieste in Seismology and Geophysics and with Prof. Vladimir Keilis-Borok I co-founded and served as the Head of the SAND Group [...]

By |11 November 2020|Categories: Interviews, Italy|Comments Off on Interview Giuliano Panza

Interview David Thompson

Name: David E. Thompson Residence: Sandia Park, NM Country: USA What is your background? My degrees are all mechanical engineering, which serves as a spectacular springboard into almost any interest. My doctorate at Purdue was on modeling blood flow in the kidney and comparing my math model of this to experimental data [...]

By |27 October 2020|Categories: Interviews, USA|Comments Off on Interview David Thompson

Interview Allan MacRae

Name: Allan MacRae Residence: Calgary Country: Canada What is your background? I have two engineering degrees related to the Earth Sciences and have done major business on six of the world’s seven continents, including significant business in the Former Soviet Union. Some of my achievements are outlined below: Dr. David Devenny, P.Eng., P.Geol., [...]

By |26 October 2020|Categories: Canada English, Interviews, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Interview Allan MacRae


scientists and experts around the world have signed the CLINTEL World Climate Declaration. Who are these signees and what motivates them to sign the declaration? That’s what we explore in the interviews on this page.