© Clintel Foundation / November 20, 2020
World Climate Declaration

The number of signees of the CLINTEL World Climate Declaration (WCD) keeps growing. There are now more than 900 signees from 37 countries. We frequently update a pdf with all the names on the CLINTEL website.
Want to sign as well? Go HERE.
Several signees of the World Climate Declaration have published a new book recently.

Our German CLINTEL ambassador Fritz Vahrenholt together with his co-author Sebastian Lüning published a follow up book of their bestselling book Die Kalte Sonne. Their new book (written in German) is titled Unerwünschte Wahrheiten (Inconvenient Truths) and answers 50 questions about climate change and climate policy.

Brussels based Samuel Furfari has a new book out (in French and English) titled The Hydrogen Illusion. He writes about his book: “Based on long personal experience, because since my doctorate I have worked extensively on hydrogen, this book traces the fascinating history of the enthusiasm prior to the first oil crisis, but also the many failures of past attempts, which have now surprisingly been discarded. […]
What is proposed for ‘renewable’ hydrogen will lead to a loss of 70% of the electricity used. Moreover, wind and solar installations only produce the equivalent of 11 weeks a year, so the heavy investments required to electrolyse the water needed to produce hydrogen would only work 20% of the time. This is industrially impossible.”

US Signee Andy May published his second book about climate change: Politics and Climate Change: A History. In this book May focuses on the politicians and organisations that influenced the climate debate, such as Al Gore, the EPA and Greenpeace. A central theme in the book is the corruption of science as a result of government funding. May: “Government money clearly does not improve research, the theoretical estimates of the impact of manmade CO2 have not narrowed in 41 years, as we discussed in our last two posts, here and here. Despite billions in government spending, the IPCC AR5 report (IPCC, 2013) still says the impact of doubling CO2 is between 1.5°C and 4.5°C, exactly the same range given in the Charney Report (Charney, et al., 1979). Empirical observation-based estimates, like the one by Nic Lewis and Judith Curry (Lewis & Curry, 2018), have narrowed, but these were not government funded. The funding did not improve science, it was not intended to improve the science, it was political.”
May posted several excerpts from his book on the CLINTEL website, here, here, here and here.
If readers would like to write a review of one of these books, please contact CLINTEL at office@clintel.org.
Pros and cons of climate change policies
Well-known US climate scientist Willie Soon together with a group of Irish scientists published a meticulous review (open access) of climate change policies and its expenditure in the Journal Energies. They cover both climate adaptation and mitigation and conclude that relatively little money is spent on climate adaptation “even though investing in climate adaptation can dramatically improve the ability of societies to deal with climate change and weather extremes”.
The review is an absolute must read for anyone interested in the pros and cons of different energy sources. “We find that the literature raises many concerns about the engineering feasibility as well as environmental impacts of wind and solar. However, none of the current or proposed energy sources is a “panacea”. Rather, each technology has pros and cons, and policy-makers should be aware of the cons as well as the pros when making energy policy decisions.”

In memoriam professor Nils-Axel Mörner
With great sadness we announce the passing of our Swedish signee and friend Nils-Axel Mörner. He was a very active scientist and a colorful person. We will miss him dearly at our international events. Christopher Monckton wrote an impressive tribute to him:
“Professor Nils-Axel Mörner, who died on Friday October 16 aged 83 after a short illness, knew more about sea level than did Poseidon himself.”
Interviews with signees

More than 900 scientists and experts have signed the CLINTEL World Climate Declaration. But who are these signees and what motivated them to sign? These questions are explored in a series of interviews on the CLINTEL website. So far we posted interviews with Ron Davison (Canada), André Bijkerk (The Netherlands), Dušan Bižić (Croatia), Ronald Stein (USA), Allan MacRae (Canada), David Thompson (USA) and Giuliano Panza (Italy).
Want to be interviewed as well?
Contact CLINTEL at office@clintel.org.
CLINTEL challenges McKinsey’s climate alarmism

CLINTEL has sent a succinct letter to the McKinsey Global Institute calling them out on two very alarming climate reports. Both McKinsey reports rely heavily on the now very implausible IPCC RCP8.5 scenario. Read our letter and a commentary by David Wojick.
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