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17 06, 2022

Replacing the World’s Fossil Fuels

By |2022-06-20T10:05:58+02:0017 June 2022|News, USA|Comments Off on Replacing the World’s Fossil Fuels

U.S. progressives are convinced that fossil fuels must be replaced with renewables by 2050. The IEA even has a plan to do it. How will this work? Unlike progressives we value observational data over ideology, so let’s examine the data. According to ExxonMobil’s 2021 Outlook for Energy the world consumed 89.4 BBOE (billions of barrels of oil equivalent) of primary [...]

12 05, 2022

What’s below the Greenland Ice

By |2022-05-12T13:55:25+02:0012 May 2022|News, USA|Comments Off on What’s below the Greenland Ice

By Andy May An interesting PNAS article discusses the deepest portion of the Camp Century Greenland Ice core. It is not paywalled. The researchers, led by Andrew Christ (Dept. of Geology, University of Vermont) found evidence of an ice-free vegetated environment at the base of the Camp Century ice core roughly one million years ago. This [...]

28 04, 2022

David Siegel: “To me, it’s clear that CO2 has almost nothing to do with climate”

By |2022-04-29T18:48:33+02:0028 April 2022|Interviews, News, USA, World Climate Declaration|Comments Off on David Siegel: “To me, it’s clear that CO2 has almost nothing to do with climate”

Earlier this week we announced the thousandth signatory of the Clintel World Climate Declaration. It is American entrepreneur and author David Siegel. He has been following the climate debate for a long time. He has a climate page with links to lots of interesting talks. He also has [...]

12 04, 2022

Blood on the blades: are thousands of dead bald eagles too high a price to pay for “clean” energy

By |2022-04-12T11:13:35+02:0012 April 2022|News, USA|Comments Off on Blood on the blades: are thousands of dead bald eagles too high a price to pay for “clean” energy

By Gregory Wrightstone reposted from CO2 Coalition Last week the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) announced that they had sentenced ESI Energy for a “blatant disregard” of federal wildlife laws of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA). In their guilty plea to multiple violations, ESI admitted to the killing of at least 150 bald [...]

9 04, 2022

The Many Benefits of Rising Atmospheric CO2 — An Introduction

By |2022-04-09T15:29:30+02:009 April 2022|News, USA|Comments Off on The Many Benefits of Rising Atmospheric CO2 — An Introduction

Dr. Craig Idso, Chairman of the Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change, and a new principal at MasterResource, invites readers to join him in a new series of articles discussing the many ways in which rising atmospheric carbon dioxide benefits humanity and nature. Atmospheric carbon dioxide: you can’t see, hear, [...]

3 04, 2022

Chile’s Economic Destruction is a Preview of what’s in Store for Biden’s America

By |2022-04-03T19:41:32+02:003 April 2022|Chile, News, USA|Comments Off on Chile’s Economic Destruction is a Preview of what’s in Store for Biden’s America

Chile has huge hydroelectric power potential, were it not for misguided environmental policy by Dr. Jay Lehr and Tom Harris For some years now, we have followed the work of Douglas Pollock, a civil industrial engineer from the University of Chile, who shows what happened in his country when it followed the sort of [...]

1 04, 2022

Doubling CO2 increases absorption by only a few percent

By |2022-04-01T21:19:10+02:001 April 2022|Canada English, CLINTEL, News, USA|Comments Off on Doubling CO2 increases absorption by only a few percent

Prof. Kees de Lange met William Happer during his visit in The Netherlands last November. After that they exchanged several emails about the paper Happer en his colleague William van Wijngaarden wrote. De Lange kindly translated his knowledge of the paper into a blog article that is non-technical. This is an excellent paper [...]

23 03, 2022

A ‘Plan B’ for addressing climate change and the energy transition

By |2022-03-23T15:48:05+01:0023 March 2022|News, USA|Comments Off on A ‘Plan B’ for addressing climate change and the energy transition

by Judith Curry Reposted with her permission from her blog Climate Etc. I have a new article published in the latest issue of International Affairs Forum. The topic of this issue is Climate Change and Energy.  Mine is one of twenty papers.  A range of topics are covered.  My article is the least alarmed among them.  [...]

14 03, 2022

Comparing AR5 to AR6

By |2022-03-14T17:17:58+01:0014 March 2022|News, USA|Comments Off on Comparing AR5 to AR6

The IPCC AR5 report was published in 2013 and the CMIP5 climate models they used, have been shown to predict faster warming than observed in the tropical troposphere at a statistically significant level by Ross McKitrick and John Christy.[1] This problem is acknowledged and discussed in the latest AR6 report, published in 2021, but brushed aside as unimportant. In [...]

11 03, 2022

Climate Model Democracy

By |2022-03-14T18:30:32+01:0011 March 2022|News, USA|Comments Off on Climate Model Democracy

In my last post, I explained how the IPCC attempts to use climate models to show humans have caused the recent global warming. Models are useful for testing scientific ideas, but they are not proof an idea is correct unless they successfully and accurately predict future events. See the story of Arthur Eddington’s test [...]