Clintel essay: Pope Francis’ Climate Crusade or the erosion of faith in God
Press release Clintel Foundation Pope Francis’ Climate Crusade or the erosion of faith in God, a tale of two encyclicals Amsterdam, 17 September 2024 By uncritically embracing climate catastrophism, Pope Francis, perhaps unwittingly and most certainly unwillingly, rejects the God he clearly tries to serve wholeheartedly. That is the main conclusion of the [...]
The Draghi report: A mistaken vision of the EU’s energy future
By Samuel Furfari. He was a Senior Official in the European Commission in the field of energy for 36 years. This is a summary of a longer article: link to pdf Mario Draghi presented his report on the competitiveness of the EU, commissioned by the European Commission. Although it was completed [...]
In Memoriam Luis Pomar
By Blanca Parga Landa (Spanish ambassador Clintel) Luís Pomar (Lleida, Spain, 1949) was a Professor at the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB) from the very beginning of the institution. He settled on the island in 1974. He taught in the departments of Biology and Earth Sciences. His scientific research has [...]
Interview with actor and voice over Michael Danisch
Michael Danisch On September 27th, a special version of Climate: The Movie premieres in Germany, near Hamburg. This version has a German voice over, a solo job by Michael Danisch, who spoke and recorded all the lines by himself and will also be present at the premiere. His effort was very well [...]
Netto-Null-Maßnahmen haben verheerende Auswirkungen
Von William Happer und Richard Lindzen aus CO2 Coalition Richard Lindzen Professor em. für Erd-, Atmosphären- und Planetenwissenschaften, Massachusetts Institute of Technology William Happer Professor em. für Physik, Princeton University Netto-Null-Maßnahmen werden einen unerheblichen Effekt auf die Temperatur haben, aber verheerende Auswirkungen auf die Menschen weltweit 19. Juli 2024 Die [...]
“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities”
Professor Richard Lindzen recently spoke in Brussels, at the invitation of the Hungarian political think tank MCC, about the role of consensus in political movements claiming a scientific basis (as is the case nowadays with climate). Below is the full text of his speech. “Hopefully, we will awaken from this nightmare before it [...]