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So far Clintel Foundation has created 364 blog entries.
27 07, 2022

Krov Menuhin: “You give nature one centimeter and she will return ten kilometers”

By |2022-07-27T12:52:04+02:0027 July 2022|Interviews, News, United Kingdom|Comments Off on Krov Menuhin: “You give nature one centimeter and she will return ten kilometers”

Menuhin just out of the sea Krov Menuhin (Australia, born 1940) has travelled the world filming oceans. In 1980 he made the first underwater film about whales for the BBC. He visited the most exotic islands in the world, places that are now supposed to disappear as a result of global warming. [...]

27 07, 2022

KNMI still covers up old heat waves

By |2022-07-27T12:32:03+02:0027 July 2022|News, The Netherlands|Comments Off on KNMI still covers up old heat waves

Last week The Netherlands experienced one hot day (39°C in some places) and unsurprisingly it was connected to climate change. The Dutch Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI) even claimed on national television that the hottest days are now four degrees Celsius warmer than a century ago. But is this true? Rob de Vos, [...]

25 07, 2022

Interview Ron Barmby

By |2022-07-25T14:25:23+02:0025 July 2022|Canada English, Interviews|Comments Off on Interview Ron Barmby

Ron Barmby Name: Ron Barmby Country: Canada What is your background? I am a Canadian professional engineer with a Master’s degree, majoring in the geosciences. My career in the energy sector of more than 40 years took me to over 40 countries on five continents. I recently wrote a well-received book titled [...]

25 07, 2022

Get Ready For The 100 Year Long Climate “Emergency”

By |2022-07-25T11:41:39+02:0025 July 2022|News, USA|Comments Off on Get Ready For The 100 Year Long Climate “Emergency”

By Francis Menton Reposted from the Manhattan Contrarian On March 13, 2020, then President Trump declared a “national emergency” due to the newly-arising outbreak of the Covid-19 virus. Three days later, on March 16, Trump set forth a program of “15 Days to Slow the Spread.” The program included strong recommendations for [...]

23 07, 2022

In Memory of Dr. Patrick Michaels

By |2022-07-23T13:59:36+02:0023 July 2022|News, USA|Comments Off on In Memory of Dr. Patrick Michaels

By Terence Kealey Dr. Patrick Michaels Self‐​praise is no praise, and the praise of friends, family, colleagues and allies, must always be viewed skeptically. But praise from opponents? Now that is praise. Pat Michaels died on July 15, 2022, and since then obituaries have appeared in those two bastions of conventional climate change [...]

22 07, 2022

Pat Michaels was a lukewarmer, not a “denier”

By |2022-07-22T21:48:48+02:0022 July 2022|News, USA|Comments Off on Pat Michaels was a lukewarmer, not a “denier”

Guest “They also contradicted their own defamatory headline” by David Middleton Patrick Michaels, influential climate denier, dies at 72 By Scott Waldman | 07/19/2022 One of the most influential climate deniers in American history has died. Patrick J. Michaels, who died Saturday at 72, created the modern concept of “lukewarmism,” which holds that [...]

22 07, 2022

The European Heat Wave and Global Warming

By |2022-07-22T17:03:29+02:0022 July 2022|News, USA|Comments Off on The European Heat Wave and Global Warming

From the Cliff Mass Weather Blog There is a lot of talk about the short-term European heatwave with some suggesting that the record-breaking warmth is the result of climate change/global warming. Some of the media and climate advocates have been over the top in their claims (see below), stating that this event was [...]

21 07, 2022

Interview Peter F. Gill

By |2022-07-21T11:36:10+02:0021 July 2022|Interviews, News, United Kingdom|Comments Off on Interview Peter F. Gill

Peter F. Gill Name: Peter F. Gill Country: United Kingdom What is your background? Physicist. Initially (1960s) activities were in industrial research including especially coal combustion related to electricity generation and pyrolysis in connection with production of reductants in the iron and steel and related industries. Later (1970s) I joined a major [...]

20 07, 2022

Interview Guus Berkhout in Italian Newspaper

By |2022-07-21T18:39:55+02:0020 July 2022|CLINTEL, News|Comments Off on Interview Guus Berkhout in Italian Newspaper

On July 15, 2022, Franco Bottaglia interviewed Guus Berkhout on the supposed climate crisis. This interview was published in La Verita on July ……., a daily newspaper in Italy. Prof. Battaglia plays a leading role in the critical climate community of Italy and prof. Berkhout is president of CLINTEL. Ability of mankind to [...]

20 07, 2022

The Great Climate Debate of 2022

By |2022-07-20T17:27:53+02:0020 July 2022|News, USA|Comments Off on The Great Climate Debate of 2022

It’s time to learn what is settled science and what isn’t Today, humans are spending more than $1 trillion each year on decarbonization and renewables. A recent McKinsey study claims we’ll need to spend 9.2 trillion per year for the next 30 years. Governments are spending hundreds of billions on research. This is [...]