About Marcel Crok

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So far Marcel Crok has created 27 blog entries.
25 08, 2021

CLINTEL analyses IPCC report, needs your help

By |2021-08-25T15:36:41+02:0025 August 2021|IPCC, News|Comments Off on CLINTEL analyses IPCC report, needs your help

After 8 years the IPCC finally published a new Assessment Report, called AR6. The media went wild: climate change is going faster than ever; extremes are increasing; it has become close to impossible to stay under the 1.5 Celsius target and sea level rise is irreversible. And on and on and on... CLINTEL [...]

24 08, 2021

New IPCC report resurrects the Hockey Stick

By |2021-08-25T22:35:10+02:0024 August 2021|IPCC, News|Comments Off on New IPCC report resurrects the Hockey Stick

Figure: AR6 hockey stick "Climate change is accelerating". With these words, the 8 o'clock national news started last week.  The reason: the new, sixth IPCC report. Various media published similar statements. Leftwing newspaper De Volkskrant: "UN panel IPCC: climate change is accelerating, man is 'unmistakably' the cause". Only De Telegraaf dared to let some [...]

9 08, 2021

Statement CLINTEL: New IPCC report provides little objective basis for policymaking

By |2021-08-11T13:44:39+02:009 August 2021|IPCC, Ireland, News|Comments Off on Statement CLINTEL: New IPCC report provides little objective basis for policymaking

Statement by CLINTEL on the publication today of the Summary for Policymakers (SPM) of Working Group I (WGI) of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) August 9, 2021 CLINTEL has carried out a preliminary review of the IPCC Summary for Policymakers (SPM) of the AR6 WGI report (on the Physical Science) issued today. [...]

13 05, 2021

Presentation Ross McKitrick: is a worst case scenario really bad?

By |2021-07-01T10:13:49+02:0013 May 2021|Canada English, Ireland, News, Presentation, Videos|Comments Off on Presentation Ross McKitrick: is a worst case scenario really bad?

Ross McKitrick, the Canadian economics professor who publishes regularly in climate journals, gave an online talk for the Irish Climate Science Forum and the international CLINTEL Foundation (of which I am the cofounder). I have some sort of special bond with both McKitrick and McIntyre, because back in 2004, when I was an [...]

23 03, 2021

The Netherlands votes for status quo

By |2021-03-23T15:07:33+01:0023 March 2021|News, The Netherlands|Comments Off on The Netherlands votes for status quo

The Netherlands voted to remain pro-EU and pro Green Deal. On the left Dutch prime minister Mark Rutte, next to him the Dutch queen Maxima and on the right (with blond hair) Sigrid Kaag, talking with Klaus Schwab at the World Economic Forum in 2019. Two years ago the new political party [...]

22 01, 2021

New presentation by John Christy: models for AR6 still fail to reproduce trends in tropical troposphere

By |2021-01-22T11:38:14+01:0022 January 2021|Ireland, News, USA|Comments Off on New presentation by John Christy: models for AR6 still fail to reproduce trends in tropical troposphere

Last night John Christy, the Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric Science and Director of the Earth System Science Center at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, gave an online talk for the Irish Climate Science Forum. The event was organised by Jim O'Brien who is also the Irish ambassador of CLINTEL. Signees of CLINTEL's [...]

19 01, 2021

“Klimaschau” (Climate News) with Sebastian Lüning

By |2021-10-01T11:40:25+02:0019 January 2021|Germany, Videos|Comments Off on “Klimaschau” (Climate News) with Sebastian Lüning

Sebastian Lüning, the always active geologist and marathon runner, author of the wellknown book Die Kalte Sonne (The Neglected Sun) and more recent Unerwünschte Wahrheiten: Was Sie über den Klimawandel wissen sollten, has recently started a climate news program on youtube titled Klimawandel Crashkurs. As the title suggests the program is in [...]

13 04, 2020

A Tribute to Fred Singer

By |2020-04-13T20:48:35+02:0013 April 2020|News, USA|Comments Off on A Tribute to Fred Singer

This photo was taken in 2011 when Singer gave a talk at KNMI in The Netherlands. In the evening we had dinner with a group of sceptic and mainstream scientists By his friend, William Happer 11 April 2020, Princeton, New Jersey Fred Singer has fought the good fight, he has run the race, [...]

1 03, 2020

Freeman Dyson, one of the most prominent signatories of the Climate Declaration, has died aged 96. 

By |2020-03-24T16:57:26+01:001 March 2020|News|Comments Off on Freeman Dyson, one of the most prominent signatories of the Climate Declaration, has died aged 96. 

Born in England on 15 December 1923, Freeman Dyson graduated from Cambridge University in 1945 with a BA in mathematics. In 1947, he moved to the USA where he went to work at Cornell University and, later, at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. Professor Dyson was a dedicated supporter of the [...]

24 01, 2020

Presentation Guus Berkhout about the World Climate Declaration

By |2020-03-27T16:56:24+01:0024 January 2020|News, Presentation, Videos|Comments Off on Presentation Guus Berkhout about the World Climate Declaration

Guus Berkhout, president of the Climate Intelligence Foundation (CLINTEL) has given a presentation at SpeakersAcademyTV. He is explaining the World Climate Declaration of CLINTEL. Please share as widely as possible. This comes with an essay also titled There is no climate emergency.