15 11, 2021

Autocorrelation in CO2 and Temperature Time Series

By |2021-11-15T11:30:27+01:0015 November 2021|News, USA|Comments Off on Autocorrelation in CO2 and Temperature Time Series

By Andy May In my last post I plotted the NASA CO2 and the HadCRUT5 records from 1850 to 2020 and compared them. This was in response to a plot posted on twitter by Robert Rohde implying they correlated well. The two records appear to correlate because the resulting R2 is 0.87. The least square’s function used made the global [...]

12 11, 2021

A message to the climate scientists present at COP26

By |2021-11-24T16:28:19+01:0012 November 2021|CLINTEL, Letter, News, The Netherlands|Comments Off on A message to the climate scientists present at COP26

November 11, 2021 This is part 3 of a trilogy. The full document can be downloaded as a pdf here. A message to the climate scientists present at COP26 Dear colleagues, Scientific organizations serve society by fostering, creating and passing on new scientific knowledge through research and teaching. Today, quality universities have become a [...]

10 11, 2021

Message to the Young People present at COP26

By |2021-11-24T16:29:08+01:0010 November 2021|CLINTEL, Letter, News, The Netherlands|Comments Off on Message to the Young People present at COP26

Anuna De Wever and Greta Thunberg speaking during a protest in Rome in 2019. Daniele COSSU / Shutterstock.com November 8, 2021 This is part 2 of a trilogy. The full document can be downloaded as a pdf here. Dear Youngsters, Climate alarmists are telling you that the older generation has caused catastrophic global warming [...]

10 11, 2021

CLINTEL on Russian TV

By |2021-11-10T10:28:46+01:0010 November 2021|News, The Netherlands|Comments Off on CLINTEL on Russian TV

A Russian woman living in The Netherlands, informed us that the World Climate Declaration by CLINTEL (minute 4:10), Guus Berkhout (minute 3:27) and other CLINTEL ambassadors, were featured prominently on Russian tv, in a popular programmme on current events. The programme was broadcast was on October 10. We were surprised, because we were not [...]

9 11, 2021

Without fossil fuel infrastructure we’re supposed to have an ENERGY CRISIS!

By |2021-11-09T12:54:05+01:009 November 2021|News, USA|Comments Off on Without fossil fuel infrastructure we’re supposed to have an ENERGY CRISIS!

By Ronald Stein reposted from cfact.org Over the last decade, climate activists have successfully pressured governments, banks, and corporations to divest from crude oil and natural gas companies. The energy infrastructures are just like the “civil” infrastructures the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Infrastructure Report Cards constantly addresses, and the resultant poor “grades” given to [...]

9 11, 2021

CO2 and Temperature

By |2021-11-09T10:15:00+01:009 November 2021|News, USA|Comments Off on CO2 and Temperature

By Andy May I had a very interesting online discussion about CO2 and temperature with Tinus Pulles, a retired Dutch environmental scientist. To read the whole discussion, go to the comments at the end of this post. He presented me with a graphic from Dr. Robert Rohde from twitter that you can find here. It is also [...]

9 11, 2021

Öppet brev till världens ledare: Allvarliga fel i IPCCs SPM

By |2021-11-09T10:14:41+01:009 November 2021|Sweden|Comments Off on Öppet brev till världens ledare: Allvarliga fel i IPCCs SPM

Här är ett officiellt brev från CLINTEL och den irländska klimatorganistaionen ICSF till ordföranden för IPCC. Det handlar om flera felaktigheter i deras Summary for Policymakers, SPM. Det borde vara högaktuellt nu i samband med COP26 i Glasgow. Jag översätter här den sammanfattande inledningen. För de mer utförliga detaljerna hänvisas till själva brevet: https://clintel.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Critique-of-AR6-Clintel-ICSF.pdf Vi [...]

9 11, 2021

Μήνυμα του CLINTEL προς τους Εθνικούς πολιτικούς και παγκόσμιους ηγέτες στην COP26

By |2021-11-09T11:33:14+01:009 November 2021|Greece|Comments Off on Μήνυμα του CLINTEL προς τους Εθνικούς πολιτικούς και παγκόσμιους ηγέτες στην COP26

2 Νοεμβρίου 2021 Μήνυμα του CLINTEL προς τους Εθνικούς πολιτικούς και παγκόσμιους ηγέτες στην COP26 Αναμφισβήτητα γεγονότα δείχνουν ότι η υπερθέρμανση του πλανήτη ΔΕΝ είναι καταστροφική, και ως εκ τούτου, ΔΕΝ υφίσταται κλιματική κρίση. Σταματήστε την καταστροφολογία  σας. Ο φόβος οδηγεί πάντα σε λάθος αποφάσεις και κυρίως [...]

7 11, 2021

Cooling dominates warming

By |2021-11-09T08:47:02+01:007 November 2021|News, The Netherlands, USA|Comments Off on Cooling dominates warming

Guest Post by Wim Röst Abstract It is said that the Earth’s surface temperature variations are controlled by [human-induced] greenhouse gases1. This is not the case. When cooling systems dominate, surface temperatures are set by the cooling system and not by the system that is warming the surface. On Earth the surface cooling [...]

4 11, 2021

Mensaje de CLINTEL a los políticos nacionales y a los líderes mundiales en la COP26

By |2021-11-04T15:19:24+01:004 November 2021|Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Spain|Comments Off on Mensaje de CLINTEL a los políticos nacionales y a los líderes mundiales en la COP26

1 de noviembre de 2021 Mensaje de CLINTEL a los políticos nacionales y a los líderes mundiales en la COP26 Los hechos concretos acreditan que el calentamiento global NO es catastrófico y, por tanto, que NO hay crisis climática. Detengan los [...]