20 02, 2022

How we have mischaracterized climate risk

By |2022-02-20T21:31:18+01:0020 February 2022|News, USA|Comments Off on How we have mischaracterized climate risk

by Judith Curry “The current thinking and approaches guiding this conceptualization and description have been shown to lack scientific rigour, the consequence being that climate change risk and uncertainties are poorly presented. The climate change field needs to strengthen its risk science basis, to improve the current situation.” – Norwegian risk scientist Terje Aven [...]

20 02, 2022

IPCC AR6 SPM Credibility Destroyed by “Disappearing” Medieval Warming Period.

By |2022-02-20T21:21:27+01:0020 February 2022|CLINTEL, News, USA|Comments Off on IPCC AR6 SPM Credibility Destroyed by “Disappearing” Medieval Warming Period.

Guest essay by Larry Hamlin The Climate Intelligence Foundation (CLINTEL) has cataloged significant errors in the UN IPCC AR6 Summary for Policy Makers (SPM) and distributed this error listing and analysis to the IPCC Chair and other world leaders to inform them of these errors. The identified errors result in the SPM failing to meet standards of [...]

20 02, 2022

ExxonMobil fights back in court

By |2022-02-20T21:15:44+01:0020 February 2022|News, USA|Comments Off on ExxonMobil fights back in court

By Andy May Update: Unfortunately, the Texas Supreme Court declined to review the court of appeals decision that the California governments do not have sufficient minimum contacts with Texas. This means the court cannot intervene in the case. However, the lower appeals court did say, according to the Texas Civil Justice League: “The court of [...]

15 02, 2022

Farming the air

By |2022-02-24T15:52:33+01:0015 February 2022|News, USA|Comments Off on Farming the air

You are built almost entirely out of carbon dioxide and water. So is all the food you eat. Likewise for all the energy you use moving about and staying alive. Carbon dioxide and water! In short the carbon dioxide in the air is the global food supply. This is why all life on Earth [...]

14 02, 2022

Joe Rogan interviews Steven Koonin about climate

By |2022-02-14T10:46:02+01:0014 February 2022|News, USA, Videos|Comments Off on Joe Rogan interviews Steven Koonin about climate

By now most people will have heard about the podcast of Joe Rogan. His concept is simple: invite an interesting guest, don't prepare the interview too much and talk for a couple of hours. Rogan was accused of spreading 'misinformation' about Covid during interviews with Robert Malone and Peter McCullough. Rogan has become [...]

7 02, 2022

Record-high coral cover of the Great Barrier Reef, despite doomsday scenarios of mass deaths

By |2022-02-07T08:34:50+01:007 February 2022|Australia, News|Comments Off on Record-high coral cover of the Great Barrier Reef, despite doomsday scenarios of mass deaths

Great Barrier Reef Guest post by Hans Wolkers The Dutch public broadcasting company NOS recently reported on the Australian government's plans to provide additional protection for the Great Barrier Reef by improving water quality, reducing erosion and combating illegal fishing. However, critics find these measures pointless, as climate change, which they believe is [...]

1 02, 2022

Why UN climate policy is hurting the poor

By |2022-02-01T15:37:13+01:001 February 2022|France, News|Comments Off on Why UN climate policy is hurting the poor

by Christian Gerondeau, with the support of the Association des Climato-Réalistes (France). 1. There's no prosperity, and no way out of poverty, without energy. Inhabitants of developed countries emit 10 tonnes of CO2 each per year, those in developing countries emit 3,7 tonnes, and those in the poorest countries 0,3 tonne. 2. The lack of access [...]

26 01, 2022

How climate activists are taking over Dutch industry

By |2022-01-26T12:07:57+01:0026 January 2022|Climate policy, News, The Netherlands|Comments Off on How climate activists are taking over Dutch industry

One Environmental Group Wants to Set Climate Policies for All of Dutch Industry “Friends of the Earth” now means “Foes of The Netherlands.” By Lucas Bergkamp A new initiative by environmental organization Friends of the Earth (“FoE,” called “Milieudefensie” in The Netherlands) threatens to plunge the Dutch economy into a green abyss. Last [...]

26 01, 2022

The EU is sabotaging its economy in the name of unattainable climate targets

By |2022-01-26T12:09:07+01:0026 January 2022|Belgium French, News|Comments Off on The EU is sabotaging its economy in the name of unattainable climate targets

By Samuel Furfari, formerly a senior official at the Energy Directorate-General of the European Commission (1982-2018), Professor em. at Université libre de Bruxelles and President of the European Society for Engineers and Industrialists As Europe is suffering an energy crisis, the European Union continues to boast about its energy strategy, the “European green deal”, [...]

23 01, 2022

Should Government Control Scientific Research?

By |2022-01-23T17:10:56+01:0023 January 2022|News, USA|Comments Off on Should Government Control Scientific Research?

By Andy May This is the transcript of a talk I gave to the ASME (The American Society of Mechanical Engineers) South Texas Section January 20, 2022 Federal money allows unelected bureaucrats to control scientific research. They dictate the projects, and often the outcomes. They use selective leaks to the press to embarrass anyone [...]