© Clintel Foundation / Wednesday July 27, 2022
Let’s put the recent European heat wave in some perspective…

On July 19th, the only extremely hot day of the summer so far in The Netherlands, the KNMI (Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute) was quick to claim that extreme temperatures in The Netherlands are now 4 degrees higher than a century ago. This claim was challenged by climate blogger en researcher Rob de Vos: “The KNMI is unnecessarily spreading climate fear. One of the ways it does this is by using outdated and incorrect homogenised data, which it has promised to reanalyze in the short term.”
De Vos is co-author of a scientific paper, funded and supported by CLINTEL, that showed that the homogenisation of temperature data that KNMI carried out in 2016, was incorrect. “With statements such as “Warm days are already 4 degrees warmer than before“, the KNMI is ignoring recent scientific insight.”
Read the full article by De Vos: here
There is a lot of talk about the recent European heat wave with some suggesting that the record-breaking warmth is the result of climate change. But, according to an article on the Cliff Mass Weather Blog “the bottom line is that the recent European heat wave was caused by an amplification of the northern hemisphere wave pattern, with global warming contributing perhaps 5-10% of the warmth. Natural variability of the atmosphere was the proximate cause of the warmth and does not represent an existential threat to the population of Europe.”
Read the full article: here
Dr. Ralph Alexander argues that “while sizzling temperatures in Europe have captured the attention of the mainstream media, recent prolonged bouts of cold in the Southern Hemisphere have gone almost unnoticed. Based on history alone, there’s nothing particularly unusual about the 2022 heat wave in Europe or the shivery winter down under, which included the coldest temperatures on record at the South Pole. Although both events have been attributed to climate change by activists and some climate scientists, natural explanations have also been put forward.”
Read the full article by Alexander: here
Dr. Patrick Michaels dies at 72

It is with great sorrow that CLINTEL has learned of the passing of dr. Patrick Michaels, earlier this month.
Michaels (1950) worked for 30 years as a professor of environmental sciences at the University of Virginia, serving concurrently as Virginia’s state climatologist. During his academic career Pat was elected president of the American Association of State Climatologists, he wrote nine books, and he published a succession of papers in storied journals including Science, Nature and Geophysical Research Letters.
Michaels did not deny that the globe was warming. Indeed, he used the term “lukewarming”—a concept on which he expanded in his 2016 book of the same name. He argued that less damage would be perpetrated to the economy, and thus to human happiness, if we learned to adapt to the heat, rather than trying to decarbonize. He also argued that conventional climate models exaggerated the heating we could anticipate.
Patrick will be missed.
You can read more about the life and work of Patrick Michaels: here, here and here
Interview CLINTEL President in Italian newspaper: “poor citizens…”

CLINTEL President Guus Berkhout was interviewed for the Italian newspaper
La Verita (20 juli) on the green policy of Western governments: “This has nothing to do with the real world, nor with honest science, nor with common sense. The CO2-crisis is artificial, constructed by climate alarmists who, with their pitch-black scenarios, have Western governments and parliaments in their power. To formulate it nicely, Western administrators are naïve and do not (want to) realize how essential the role of CO2 is in nature. Bear in mind, climate change is much more than CO2, and CO2 is much more than climate change. In the Netherlands citizens now see that green policies are pushing them into poverty. Poor citizens. We see that the fake climate crisis is leading to a real economic crisis!”
Read the English translation of the interview: here.
Dutch version here.
Get ready for the 100 year long climate “emergency”

Since the Supreme Court’s decision in West Virginia v. EPA on June 30, the bureaucracies in the “climate” space, together with all the environmental activists, have been thrown into a tizzy, says Francis Menton of the website The Manhattan Contrarian: “The Supreme Court just declared that the bureaucracies have no power to fundamentally transform the use of energy in the economy without a clear direction from Congress, which on the climate issue cannot be found in existing statutes. To those over there on the left, the answer seems obvious: Demand declaration of a “climate emergency.”
“But there is no sense in which the climate is an “emergency” within the ordinary meaning of that word in the English language. Predictions by climate models of a few degrees of temperature rise over the next century are the opposite of an emergency. But if you are on the left, this situation is just too important to wait for Congressional action that may never come. An “emergency” must be declared, to last for — how long? A hundred years?”
Menton remains hopeful: “It’s all a huge insult to the intelligence of the American people. I doubt that the courts will be fooled, most particularly the Supreme Court.”
Read the full article: here
World Climate Declaration

New signee Krov Menuhin
Since we reached the milestone of 1000 signees of the World Climate Declaration in April, a lot of new people applied to sign as well. The number is now well above 1100. A notable new signee is Krov Menuhin, expert on ocean life, underwater filmmaker, professional diver, pilot and writer. See our interview with Menuhin: here. It’s an example of the new interviews we have started doing again with signees. If you want to participate in such an interview as well (by email), please contact us at office@clintel.org.
Do you want to sign the World Climate Declaration as well? Go here.
Other new Signatories:
- Jan de Jong, The Netherlands, former director Sampo Industrial Insurance NV. Benelux and Electrorisk Verzekeringsmaatschappij N.V.
- Thomas L. Moser, USA, Retired NASA Senior Executive – Program Manager of the Space Station and Space Shuttle, Chief Engineer at NASA Johnson Space Center, Fellow of the AIAA, Founder of the “Right Climate Stuff”, a group of former NASA Engineers & Scientists.
- Bevan Dockery, Australia, BSc (UWA), Grad.Dip.Computing (Curtin U), Exploration Geophysicist in minerals world-wide.
- A. (Toine) J. A. Beukering, The Netherlands, Bgen (b.d.), Member of the Provincial Council of Zuid-Holland, Member of the Senate (Eerste Kamer) of the Dutch Parliament (the States General).
- Ben Braam, The Netherlands, Msc in Physics, lifetime career in space instrumentation.
- James Pindell, UK, Geologist, specialised in plate tectonics and palaeographic evolution, Director of Tectonic Analysis Ltd (UK), Adjunct Professor at Rice University (USA).
- Stefano Falcinelli, Italy, PhD, Professor of Chemistry and Materials Technology, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Perugia.
- Eric Vieira, Switzerland, lifetime experience in a large pharmaceutical company as research chemist with a CAS in christallography.
- Rick Ironside, Canada, Director Fortress ESG, provides specialized expertise to help clients map out their journey to attempt to achieve the goal of net zero by 2050.
- Pat Swords, Ireland, BE, CEng, FIChemE, PPSE, CEnv, MIEA, Challenger of Over-Reach in Environmental Legislation.
CLINTEL is an Amsterdam (The Netherlands) based thinktank founded in 2019 by Dutch emeritus professor Guus Berkhout and science writer Marcel Crok. CLINTEL operates as a climate science and climate policy watchdog. In its first year it launched the World Climate Declaration, stating firmly “there is no climate emergency”. That declaration is now signed by more than 1100 scientists and experts.
CLINTEL wants to be independent from governments as these are the main funders of climate science and policy. In practice it means we need broad support from citizens and small and medium enterprises around the world.
For more information, please contact Marcel Crok, +31 6 16 236275, marcel.crok@clintel.org
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